What looks better - a 5 or a 790?

<p>I took my SAT 2 in US Hist and got a 790. Then I took the AP test in USH and got a 5. Which one should I report to colleges? (the ones that make you pick 1 test from each subject area)</p>

<p>I don't know any colleges that make you send both, but I would send the AP score. Although your SAT score is in a higher precentile than your AP score, the AP test has advanced writing requirements, which I beleive colleges will find more desirable. Both are great though; you can't lose really.</p>

<p>so wait...could i replace my 640 in US SAT II with a 4 on the AP US exam to schools?</p>

<p>The SAT i think looks more impressive.</p>

<p>Colleges don't care about AP scores...</p>

<p>I think you might as well be asking what's more impressive: an accomplishment in english or physics? SAT II's are intended to measure knowledge of a subject. AP tests are designed to be "college level," with a focus on both content knowledge and application (MC and free response, and there are elements of both knowledge and application in both sections I think, although to different degrees). AP's are generally considerably harder, but the curve's are nicer and the grades are reported on a simplified scale, so there isn't anything that distinguishes an exceptionally high score from a very high one, whereas while all SAT scores above 700 are considered excellent, scores very close to 800 will be even more impressive (so, a 790 might be looked at more like a high 5 and therefore more impressive). I would report the SAT II on the application, and then under the space for additional comments, insert your AP score(s), as they, both being high, will both help you.</p>

<p>790 is more impressive no question about it.</p>

<p>The 760 is more impressive. However, an SAT score report contains all of your SAT scores, as does an AP score report. Thus, colleges will see your marks regardless of what you choose to report on the app.</p>

Colleges don't care about AP scores...


<p>Try getting into a top college without any APs under your belt.</p>

<p>rockermcr: ultimately, they have very little sway in admission. Besides, i doubt any top applicant will have no AP scores, because if they do well on SATII's, it will usually translate into good AP test performance. The main thing to realize is that SAT II's are much more important, and should be the main focus of junior year testing. AP tests, if they happen to coincide with SATII's, should just be treated as tests on the side.</p>

<p>AP tests are more important than SAT II's.</p>

<p>No they aren't. </p>

<p>SAT2's are 10x more important..</p>

<p>I got a 98 average / 790 SAT2 / 4 AP for US History. I think that's a good trio.</p>

<p>obviously SAT II 790 looks better</p>

<p>It is definitely harder to get a 790 than it is to get a 5, but either score is good enough.</p>

<p>both scores are very good.</p>

<p>The 790 Sat II is better</p>

<p>790 is better (I mean, it's almost a perfect score) but the 5 is good too. The thing about a 790 is that it means that you did probably 90%-ish on the test. To get a 5 on the AP, though, you only need lik ea 70%, so it tells less about you.</p>

<p>submit both</p>

<p>sat is better, both are good</p>

<p>The 790 looks best. Both look good, but getting such a high score on the SAT II is more rare than a 5.</p>