What meds can they buy/not buy?

<p>DD has a nasty cold after the craziness of recruitment and her retreat. Apparently all of the meds I sent her are “drowsy” and she wants something to take during the day. She is heading to the Target event tonight. She is only 18. What can she buy?</p>

<p>Sounds like that’s going around. I think it’s only an issue if she’s under 18. My 18 year old DD just bought DayQuil and NyQuil (combo pack) with no problem in T-Town.</p>

<p>Thank you!!!</p>

<p>I believe it is anything with pseudoephedrine that cannot be bought in AL by under 19. These would be Claritin D, Zyrtec D, some Sudafed products.</p>

<p>After these meds were made OT, most states put laws into effect to keep these behind the counter and drivers license number is recorded when you make a purchase. PA and NJ have laws similar to AL, but AL has 19 as age of “adult”</p>

<p>Good to know, Longhaul! Thank you. Guess I’ll be sending an RX care package.</p>

<p>even if over 19, al does track amount purchased…cant remember the limit but it is only so much per month (so be careful about buying for others under 19 as a favor)</p>

<p>^^^other states track the amount purchased as well.</p>

<p>FWIW, my son was asked for ID when purchasing Dimetapp. He was in need of a “dry up and sleep” product.</p>

<p>Yes, Texas tracks as well. I could not purchase D2’s meds, DH’s and mine all on the same day. It really stinks! I had to laugh one time when I was told that when we all 3 needed Rx refills as well as the OTC meds the dr prescribes. Was told each person had to purchase their own. I responded with, D2 is EIGHT YEARS OLD! DH works and I pick his up for him. I get mine as well." One of us had to do without for a day till I could go back the next day to pick those up due to the new laws. It’s crazy! Thank goodness D1 only needs a Benadryl or sudafed every now and then or I’d really have been in a bind many times.</p>

<p>Anything in our state that contains pseudoephedrine is tracked and limited. In fact, in the county in which I live, you MUST have a doctor’s prescription to purchase, say, Sudafed. This is so annoying! My 86 year-old dad lives in the next county over and he purchases Sudafed whenever his quota says he can, so he is my “dealer.” </p>

<p>Doctors are reluctant to prescribe Sudafed over the phone or even too often because then THEY will get flagged!</p>

<p>Sadly, the meth manufacturers seem to find a way around it all while the poor honest person gets hit with the cost of a doctor’s visit to treat hay fever or a minor cold.</p>

<p>I remember being asked for my ID when buying Mucinex that didn’t contain pseudoephedrine, so there are cold medications sold right off shelves which one must be 19 to purchase.</p>

<p>Federal law requires the tracking and limiting of pseudoephedrine purchases, though states can further limit purchases if they so desire.</p>