What Natural Science do you think I should take?

<p>I’m Computer Science major and I really just want to breeze though my NS courses because I’ll be taking hard math courses. So I rather my NS not be as stressful.</p>

<p>Could you give me insight into any of these sequences. Any Advices.</p>

<p>Astronomy Sequence</p>

<p>Biology Sequence</p>

<p>Chemistry I and II Sequence</p>

<p>Introductory Chemistry Sequence</p>

<p>Geology Sequence</p>

<p>Geography Sequence</p>

<p>Physics Sequence</p>

<p>Physics with Calculus Sequence</p>


<p>I’m one that promotes taking core courses that INTEREST you. Don’t worry about an easy A or the least amount of work. College is a time when you get to explore courses that interest you. </p>

<p>Are you into stargazing, even just as minimal as looking up in the sky on a clear night? You might want to take advantage of astronomy. Not many colleges offer these courses, and even fewer actually have a place to stargaze. </p>

<p>Are you interested in rocks, plate tectonics, earthquakes, even wave action? You might be interested in geology. </p>

<p>Are you interested in getting out in the field and getting your hands dirty? See if any of those courses involve field trips. </p>

<p>The great thing about Bama being such a big university, there are a wide variety of courses offered, and you’re bound to find something that interests you.</p>

<p>Good luck on your search!</p>

<p>CS majors have to take an “approved” natural science course. I don’t think you can just choose from all the sciences with a N designation.</p>

<p>You should email Dr. David Cordes (very nice man) and ask for his recommendation. He’s the head of CS.</p>

<p>[David</a> Cordes Web Site](<a href=“http://cs.ua.edu/~cordes/]David”>http://cs.ua.edu/~cordes/)</p>

<p>Mom’s right. There will be a link on the computer science website listing approved core requirements. I know astronomy is on there, but I’m not sure about geology. I’m pretty sure biology is on there because Degree Works filled in that requirement with my son’s AP biology score. But it is best to double check with Dr. Cordes. And yes, he is really nice. I enjoyed meeting him at Bama Bound during the registration orientation session, where he pointed out the list of approved courses.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Aren’t you required to take physics I and II in CS? That should take care of your 8 hours of lab science.</p>

<p>EDIT: n/m, the answer is no.</p>

<p>Here are the science sequences you can choose from according to the CS dep’t website:</p>

<p>AY 101/102, AY 203/204, BSC 114/115, BSE 116/117, CH101 or 117, CH 102 or 118, GEO 101, GEO 102, GEO 105, GY 101, GY 102, PH 105 or 125, and PH 106 or 126.</p>

<p>Geography (GY 101-102) is supposed to very “lightweight.”</p>

<p><a href=“http://catalogs.ua.edu/catalog10/502554.html#GY101[/url]”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama;

<p>I just wanted to add…and this is for anyone…</p>

<p>When choosing Core Req’ts, sometimes it’s best not to choose the “non-traditional” classes and this is why…</p>

<p>Many kids change their majors…they start out as - say - CS majors, but then later decide to cnange to a science/pre-med major. When you change majors, you often find that the “non-traditional” core classes that you selected for your previous major are now useless because your new major has some EXACT req’ts that are the traditional choices…like Biology or chemistry or physics. </p>

<p>Now, if you’re a humanities major and you’re CERTAIN that you would NEVER major in one of the hard sciences or engineering, then no problem. :)</p>

<p>I definitely concur, m2ck.</p>

<p>@ Montegut: I’ll be frank with you. None of these courses interest me in the slightest. I really dislike science and I rather not take any of these, but I have to meet the requirements for my degree, so…I have to. So I rather take the less stressful class, if possible?</p>

<p>Also, I really don’t know what any of these classes are like so I want other people’s opinions of them, which is why I asked here. So maybe I could choose for myself which is slightly more interesting to me. Right now I really don’t know. That three sentence course description tells me little and I may enjoy the simplicity of looking at the stars, but absolutely hate what I actually have to do in the class, ya’ know?</p>

<p>@mom2collegekids & Montegut: Well these aren’t randomly picked NS classes. Unless the information I got this list from is wrong, I got it from DegreeWorks, I’m pretty sure these are the approved courses for my major. But I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask this Dr. Cordes.</p>

<p>@feenotype: Thanks for the advice. I’ll give Geography some consideration.</p>

<p>@mom2collegekids: Thanks for the advice. Though I’d probably never go into heavy sciences. So hopefully I’ll be okay. ^_^</p>

<p>Thanks for your input, but I was actually hoping for more insight and information on some, any of the courses listed. Has anyone here taken or know someone who has taken any of these classes? If yes, could you tell me your they’re experience in it. Did they enjoy and why? Was it a decently simple class? Is there something I should expect from this course? (Surprising amount of math, a lot of memorization, surprisingly simple, surprisingly hard, etc.) Heck, which one do you think is good for a CS major. I realize my experience may not be similar to others, but, and maybe I should have been more clear, I want some insight to help me make a decision.</p>

<p>Again thanks for the advice so far, but it not really what I was looking for.</p>

<p>You dislike science, but you’re going into Computer Science? o_O</p>

<p>And yes, GY 101-102 has the rep as the easiest course to fulfill your lab science requirement</p>

<p>Natural Sciences, yea. It could be be my lack of understanding of the field, but CS seems more math to me.</p>

<p>Natural Sciences, yea. It could be be my lack of understanding of the field, but CS seems more math to me.</p>

<p>I agree with feeno that GY 101-102 have a reputation of being the easiest courses to fulfill the lab science requirement.</p>

<p>Did some digging around, here are course sites from past semesters of GY 101-102</p>

<p>[GY</a> 101 – ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSES HOMEPAGE](<a href=“http://www.bama.ua.edu/~jcsenkbeil/gy101/class.html]GY”>http://www.bama.ua.edu/~jcsenkbeil/gy101/class.html)
[GY</a> 102 – LANDSCAPE PROCESSES HOMEPAGE](<a href=“http://www.bama.ua.edu/~jcsenkbeil/gy102/class.html]GY”>http://www.bama.ua.edu/~jcsenkbeil/gy102/class.html)</p>

<p>And I dug up for you Dr. Senkbeil’s page on Ratemyprofessor.</p>

<p>[Jason</a> Senkbeil - University of Alabama - RateMyProfessors.com](<a href=“http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=1055474]Jason”>Jason Senkbeil at University of Alabama | Rate My Professors)</p>

<p>He seems to get good ratings, and the class seems to cover same material that you covered in middle school science class.</p>

<p>Definitely check rate my professor. It not only gives you insight into the professor’s style, but what you might expect from the class. Even read the reviews not pertaining to the specific class you will take.</p>

<p>And you are definitely right about whether a slight interest in a subject will carry you through the course.</p>

<p>My son has chosen two core courses based on their description and professor evaluation, but once he got into the classes, they were not all fun and games. Both have proved to be a lot of work, and there are many times he’s regretted taking the course. But I try to encourage him to look at the positives, learning new things and meeting new people. </p>

<p>But I do understand where you’re coming from. When I was in college, all the science majors, especially the Premed, took Music Appreciation because it was an easy A. I’m sure there is an analogous natural science course that many liberal arts majors take to fulfill their science requirements while keeping up their GPA. </p>

<p>Ask upperclassmen, or even freshmen with one semester under their belt, for course and professor recommendations. We’ve gotten good recommendations from friends of the same age, but who were in upper level classes because of AP coursework, when registering for courses.</p>

<p>Stefnick- My D is in GY102 (You don’t have to take in sequence). She considered Astronomy but didn’t want evening star gazing. She says it seems very straightforward so far and doesn’t anticipate it will be overly taxing. I’m still curious what assignments they’ll have in lab.</p>

<p>GY101 or 102.</p>

<p>Ack. DS signed up for Astronomy. Now says he’d rather have Geology. But most of the still available classes conflict with times for his other classes. How hard is Intro Astronomy…does anyone know? It seems it would be kind of interesting, until you started getting into all the math and stuff. :o</p>

<p>Wow, you’re up late, LadyDi. Perhaps this will give you a feel for the astronomy course: </p>

<p><a href=“http://bama.ua.edu/~rbuta/courses/ay101_fall09.html[/url]”>http://bama.ua.edu/~rbuta/courses/ay101_fall09.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>bamagirl: It seems the only GY sections that would not conflict with DS’s other classes are taught by one Douglas Sherman. I’ve heard he’s a really hard grader (see ratemyprofessors). Do you know anything about him? Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I don’t think you can go wrong with Astronomy either. It doesn’t look hard; even the professor says as much. From malanai’s link: </p>



<p>It’s Introductory Astronomy, not Astrophysics 250. ;)</p>