What new (or returning) Hokie families do we have now ?? Give a shout out!

Now that the admissions cycle is over … lets hear from our new Virginia Tech students and parents. Please feel free to ask any questions or let us know how excited you are to be a part of the Hokie family!

My daughter will be a freshman this year in the Pamplin College of Business. She has a roommate she found online that lives near us and is anxious to get started and pick a dorm in July.

I also have an upcoming Sophmore son that is majoring in Nanoscience with Minor in Science, Technology, and Law. While his first year was cut short, he had a terrific freshman experience (he is actually on his way to Maryland this morning to meet up with 8 new college friends at the beach). He has his apartment lined up at Foxridge (which we will hopefully be going mid-July to move him partially in).

Yes I have thouroughly santized her brothers dorm items for her next year (not COVID related) :slight_smile: Actually his dorm fridge has come in handy for extra food items in the garage!

Also - since my son has a ton of roll over meal plan dollars he needs to spend … I told my daughter she needs to actually see him every so often and make him buy her dinner!!

If he’s not taking it to his apt. in Foxridge, encourage him to buy one (or get one for him if you’re feeling generous). Depending on how many apartment mates he’ll have, the single fridge can fill up pretty fast. My son (finishing junior year this fall) kept his in his room off-campus and it really came in handy for storing milk and “other” beverages. One of his apt. mates brought a small freezer too - the communal frozen pizza, popsicle, and ice cream storage space!

My daughter is taking his dorm fridge next year. Its a 3 person apartment and their cooking skills are rather non-existent … so if anything fills up it will probably be the freezer.


Our son will be a freshman, Engineering. He is very excited. His orientation is next month and he completed Module 1 of pre-orientation last night. He has several friends from high school who are also attending (2 engineering majors and 1 business). They are hoping to start Fall semester on campus!

As we all are!

Welcome to the Hokie Family!

I will re-introduce for those that don’t know me already. LOL! My son is headed to COE for CS and will be staying in West AJ Residential College. He was initially wait-listed, accepted Clemson, and then thankfully got pulled from the waitlist in late April. We’re from Maryland and he’s dragging his feet on the roommate front. Ping me if you have a son looking for somebody in West AJ. :slight_smile:

Also, I was class of 1994 from VT as a ChE. So, the legacy continues…

Glad you made the move to VT - - we didn’t want you ClemsonCrazy!

My daughter will be a sophomore majoring in civil engineering. She loved her freshman year and even got to attend the cadet ball.

Her sister will be a senior at Bryn Mawr college majoring in English, lol. Two completely different personalities and interests!

Glad to have you here @LeastComplicated

My youngest DS will be a freshman in Engineering this Fall. He’s excited for this new adventure. His older brother starts UVA grad school (starts online) next week. Hopeful he will move to in person for Fall. We will be a house divided. Haha.

DS is an incoming freshman COE (admitted ED), interested in Computer Engineering. Coming from a VA Governor STEM Academy and joining the Corp of Cadets. He is the oldest and our first adventure through the college admission process. He’s excited to be attending VT and can’t wait to get started!

@vamominvabeach and @ma_larkey They have a great time ahead!

My son is an incoming freshman, COE. He has applied to an been accepted into the Galileo LLC. Very excited for him, feel lucky we got to tour last year - came down through a snowstorm, LOL. Coming from NY so any advice on picking a roommate in a LLC setting - he is our first through college so still figuring things out.

I believe being in LLC they have some groups to try and match up students. You may want to reach out to the LLC on what they do to facilitate them all talking.


@hmk231 Go to https://www.galipatiacommunity.com/faqs.

My oldest son is an incoming freshman majoring in Political Science. He is a third generation Hokie and the 8th member of our family overall to attend Tech. We only live about an hour and fifteen minutes from Blacksburg and visit campus frequently, so he’s pretty familiar – but also excited about his own journey.

He is participating in Honors College and will be living in the Honors Residential Commons at East Ambler-Johnston. He has experienced a bit of difficulty in connecting with potential roommates. For some reason there is apparently no filter or toggle to indicate his attachment to the HRC within the housing system. He has been approached by a few guys who have viewed his profile and inquired about rooming together only to discover that they are not in HRC. Not a big problem, however. He recognizes that “luck of the draw” will mean introduction to a new acquaintance and he has already forged friendships with the guys who contacted him previously. Also a pretty decent cohort of kids from our hometown (around 10 or so) coming along with him.

We’re all looking forward to this new chapter in our family’s Virginia Tech story and making new friends through our son’s attendance. Go Hokies!

sounds like he is in for a great year!