<p>I badly need to get into le rosey. My GPA is 4.0, but I am poor and need finantual aid and a full scholarship. My family is not of high class importance in the world, so I am just your average american. All my future rides on this, what are my chances of getting accepted?</p>
<p>We’d need to know a little more about you than your GPA. What about ECs, awards, SSAT, things like that?</p>
<p>My ECs are volleyball, basketball, band, student council, science club, math club, spanish lessons, and tennise.</p>
<p>my private, catholic school hasen’t taken SSATs yet, but I scores a 95 on the ITBS state testing.</p>
<p>your school takes the ssat? i thought you had to go to a testing center since the ssat is specifically directed at boarding school admissions</p>
<p>Yeah, I think you might want to look into that, CollectiveChick. Most schools don’t administer the SSAT so you’ll probably need to go to a testing center. When is the app for Le Rosey due, though? Are you sure it isn’t too late to take the SSAT?</p>
<p>And if you already go to a private school then your future is probably not looking too shabby, so I wouldn’t say your future rides on acceptance into this school… I’ve never even heard of Le Rosey, do you know they even offer full scholarships?</p>
<p>Le Rosey is a very expensive boarding school in Switzerland. They seem to offer a very limited number of scholarships. I am not sure how “all one’s future” can ride on being accepted into one school. I have my doubts about the truthfulness of the OP, and suspect it may be a “Chances ■■■■■.”</p>
<p>That was kinda mean.
Anyways, once you graduate from Le Rosey, you can have yourpick to any ivy leagueschool you wish. But I dont know whatgrade you must be in to take the SSATs, but we haven’t taken them, yet.</p>
I live in Washington, and our time here is 4:33, so why does it say I JUST posted at 7:33? Hmmmmm.</p>
<p>You need to do three things in order to be a serious candidate for Le Rosey:
- Research the SSAT, i.e., when it is given, where it is given, etc.
- Use spell check
- Improve your grammar</p>
<p>Your posts are so poorly written, that my immediate reaction was the same as BrooklynGuy–is this OP for real?</p>
<p>The app for Le Rosey is due Janurary 31st. Where do you go for SSAT testing anyways?</p>
<p>Can you give me a more useful pointer, Wowsa? Serousely.</p>
<p>I just looked up the testing, and its $105! My parents woulden’t pay $105 for a test, oh. My chances are RUINED! Now what will I do?</p>
<p>Life Sucks.</p>
<p>Wow. You spelled “seriously” wrong. And no, you certainly cannot have your pick of any Ivy League you want after Le Rosey. That’s never the case at any school.</p>
<p>Learn some more about the SSAT. SSAT stands for “Secondary School Admission Test.” This test is only taken by people seeking PRIVATE SCHOOLS. Your school WILL NOT administer the test - IT IS NOT a standardized test. You need to register to take it, which includes FINDING A TEST CENTER and PAYING A FEE. NOT EVERYONE TAKES IT.</p>
<p>And, just out of curiosity, why apply to some no-name school in Switzerland that isn’t even transparent with its college matriculations when you could have just applied to one in America which does publish its statistics and has proof that it gives a lot of aid to a lot of families? If you’re poor as you say you are, why didn’t you apply to Exeter? For families earning under 75k they pay full tuition</p>
<p>So you said they get into any IVY school of their choice eh ?</p>
<p>According to their web page in 7 years (2002-2008) NO ONE from Le Rosey went to Harvard, Yale, or Dartmouth. I Hardly doubt that in 7 years no one from Le Rosey wanted to attend any of these schools and since no went to these schools we can safely assume that Le Rosey is not an assured ticket into the ivies as you purport. No school is a ticket to the ivies any more. </p>
<p>The top HADES school Hotchkiss, Andover, Exeter, Deerfield, and SPS. All have IVY matriculation rates lower than 35%. NONE are “tickets” to the ivies anymore. The top IVY matriculating boarding school in America (Milton) sends around 34% of its class to the ivies. And some day schools approach 50% - to my knowledge none exceed 50%. The point being none of these schools can even send half of their kids to the ivies let alone EVERY single kid that wants to go. </p>
<p>Eton matriculates around a 1/3rd of its kids to Cambridge and Oxford - very much inline with the American prep school matriculation to the ivy league.</p>
<p>Wow, businesskid, nice digging. I was right when I said Le Rosey was a no-name school! My current TINY high school sends five or six kids out of the graduating class of 100 to the ivies, and my school is borderlining on joke status!</p>
<p>Im pretty sure a few boarding schools could reach 50% sending to the ivies. But then again I wouldnt pick dartmouth brown or cornell over stanford duke or MIT. So I think the Ivie matriculation numbers can be a bit off.</p>
<p>But no school is a ticket anymore.</p>
<p>collectivechick, i’m guessing you’ve already figured out that your school does NOT administer the SSAT since not everyone at your public school would be applying to a boarding school. and if your parents really can’t pay for it for financial reasons, maybe there’s a fee waiver (?) and you can’t go to an ivy league school just because you graduated from a certain school. that’s ridiculous. are your chances higher? sure, but are you guaranteed admission? no</p>
<p>hmm no ive heard of a private school in new york that specifically works on SSAT prep in classes. they have counselors specifically for boarding school. they require students to take the SSAT during 8th grade.</p>
<p>Le rosey does not accept the SSAT test. You have to fly over there to take the test they offer. Application fee is $2000 so if you can’t afford $100 for the SSAT, you probably can’t afford the app fee. They have no scholarships for people over the age of 14.</p>