What schools are you applying to?

<p>I was born in Mexico, but moved here when I was 2 years old. I'm applying to Emory, William and Mary, and other state institutions.</p>

<p>How important to you is the percentage of minority students at a college. Did you cross any off your list because of it having too few minority students of any kind? Are you waiting for acceptances to come in before you rule any place out?</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted to 9 colleges. The first two she crossed off her list were ones with 15% or fewer minority students. Having gone to a very white high school, she didn't want to repeat the experience. She is know at a college with 35% minority students.</p>

<p>One of the schools my son is very interested in has a low minority enrollment, including just 3% Hispanic. That makes me very nervous. His HS campus is very diverse, and I'd love for him to find a campus equally as diverse. Apparently, he doesn't care.</p>

<p>Interesting to read about the different perspectives on a prospective college's minority enrollment.</p>

<p>My S attends a HS where Hispanic/AA enrollment is about 2%, so anything above that would offer more diversity than he's ever experienced.</p>

<p>Does it really matter if there is less than a certain % of minority students? My sons friends are of all ethenic backgrounds. I do not beleive that he sees them as minorities or otherwise. If you can find a school that he/she would "fit" at regardless of student body makeup, would'nt that be ideal.</p>

<p>Yes, fit is extremely important. If the other acceptances had not come through she would have enrolled at those schools and found many nice people to be friends with. And frankly the whiter schools had the biggest merit offers. My husband and I never said a word about the percentages, figuring she was accustomed to being at that level of diversity.</p>

<p>However, we live in a very white state that does not have a long history of blacks or hispanics outside of the metro area. She came back from the state quiz team match and said that she could count the number of minority kids on one hand. I imagine she is tired of "representing" and was ready to be in an environment where high achieving minority students aren't a novelty. Her current situation was something she was very ready for.</p>

<p>I was just curious as to how other people approached this.</p>

<p>I was born in Colombia (SA), brought up in a British Int'l Boarding School (fully bilingual since elementary school), moved to the US when I was 10, permanent resident status.</p>

<p>Applied: Vanderbilt (first choice), Columbia/Barnard, Wellesley.
Accepted: Middle Tennessee State U (safety, for later transfer to VU if need be)</p>

<p>I know it goes against CC's general stance, but my goal is to get into the best school I can. To this end I've looked at good schools that have less minorities where i'd have better chances at getting admission/scholarships. Being from Alabama, I've dealt with white and black people mostly in my higher level classes and only now are hispanics beginning to come to this region in earnest(still haven't achieved academic equality). I guess it wouldn't be that different being in such a non-diverse environment so I can deal with it.</p>

I know it goes against CC's general stance, but my goal is to get into the best school I can.


<p>It seems to me that everyone on CC wants to get into their highest reach school ;)!</p>

<p>Applied to-
SUNY Bing</p>

<p>Accepted to-
SUNy geneseo
SUNY Stony brook</p>

<p>i wish there were more posts on this forum...</p>

<p>i applied to: vassar, columbia, brown, wesleyan, upenn, williams, pomona, wisconsin, illinois, and northwestern</p>

<p>do you guys mind posting you stats, and where you got accepted or where you are applying?</p>

<p>Another Half Hispanic:</p>

Washington College (20K a year)
Ithaca (16K a year)
SUNY Stony Brook
University of Maryland College Park (OOS B/K scholar)</p>

<p>Deferred EA

<p>Awaiting Decision
Johns Hopkins (I'll be at the half hispanic party hopefully)

<p>Full hispanic Applied to:
Johns Hopkins</p>

<p>full hispanic:


<p>born in Mexico</p>

<p>Mexican Immigrant
Applied to:</p>

-UC Berkeley

<p>I posted a while ago... </p>

<p>Anyways, I got accepted to USC and that is where I am going! :)</p>

<p>Born in Mexico, moved when I was 11.</p>

<p>Applied and got into Drexel, UT Austin, Dartmouth (likely letter). Waiting on UMich, Duke, Wake Forest, Rice, Trinity and Cornell.</p>

<p>Half-span (yes, I made that up)</p>

SUNY Geneseo
SUNY Stony Brook
NYU- Stern
Northeastern University- Dean's Scholarship (still WAAAAAAAAAY too expensive)</p>

<p>Waiting on-
Boston U
SUNY bing</p>

<p>Born in Mexico, moved to US. Now a dual citizen.</p>

<p>Applied to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, Wesleyan, U Chicago, Wash U, UT Austin, and... I think that's it. Feel like I'm forgetting one.</p>

<p>Accepted to MIT, UT Austin, Wash U, and Columbia (unofficially—"likely letter").</p>