<p>I posted it on the other forum, but I realized it should probably go here...</p>
<p>Hey! I'm really stressing out about my chances into ANY UC... but mostly UCSD. I am retaking SAT I's, and French and Math level 2 for SAT II's. I was wondering what I needed to score in all of those in order to get into UCSD with my current stats:</p>
<p>GPA: 3.75 (combined from Sophomore and Junior year)</p>
<p>(In case this affects anything...)
SAT I: 1690 (not too proud of it)
SAT II: Math II: 710</p>
President of a YMCA service club
ASB - Secretary of Press
ICB (ASB of YMCA clubs)
3 Years being in the School Newspaper
3 Years of French Club
3 Years of Math Club
3 Years of CSF (California Scholarship Federation)
2 Years of Badminton
1 Year of Robotics
1 Year of Key Club
Class Committees (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior)</p>
<p>Combined total of Community Service Hours will be 100+ (I need to calculate it all). Services were in a variety of places (Schools, Hospitals, City Hall, etc.)</p>
<p>me too... I stink at critical reading... but i think the only way to raise your SAT score is to practice. But some of my friends who have low gpa and doesn't study easily get high sat scores.. so not fair!</p>
<p>I got a 2000 my first try, its really easier than you think, I didn't actually study. What you need to do for grammar is to know agreement. More than 90% of the grammar questions are on agreement, remember to look for the subject and match it with the verb, sometimes finding the subject is tricky in their more difficult and complex sentences but once you get it down you are sure to get at least a 650.</p>
<p>UCSD is one of the more selective UCs--getting about as tough to get into as Berkeley & Davis. You would increase your chances if you are interested in Merced, Riverside, and others. Increasing your SAT scores would still be a good idea. Another option that others have taken is going to a Community College for two years & transferring. You could also consider the Cal State schools, which are easier to get into & also cheaper.</p>
<p>Thanks for the tips everyone. Now the thing is, I want to get into a UC for my freshmen year. Yes, I have considered community college to transfer, but that's only if I do not get into any college.</p>
<p>I know UCSD is hard to get in to for me, but it's the #1 college I want to get into. I signed up for SAT I in November just in case. I'm really determined to get in.</p>