<p>I really want to transfer to a better school, but I don't know if it's even worth trying here are my stats:</p>
<p>High School
3.9 GPA weighted, which is probably about in the 50% of my graduating class
790 M, 690 CR (1480 combined), 690 W
For extracirriculars I did JV/Varsity Crew for 4 years, and had a few jobs</p>
<p>College (I'm currently a freshman)
I go to a public/state university
3.7 GPA</p>
<p>Fall (15 credits)
Calc I (A)
Fresh Engl (A-)
Hist 101 (A)
Psych I (B)
Fresh Seminar (A)</p>
<p>Winter (3 credits)
Short Fiction (A-)</p>
<p>Spring (14 credits)
Philosophical Classics
Calc II
Psych II
Macro Econ</p>
<p>I think I can write a pretty good essay...</p>
<p>I want to try transferring to some places like Bard, Skidmore, Johns Hopkins, Boston College, CMU, NYU, Tufts, ect... Do I stand a chance at any of these places? Or should I wait another year to apply?</p>