What subject should i choose in IB if i want to be businessmen ?

<p>Hi everybody , I'm vietnamese student . I'm going to start IB this year but I'm not good at English , and i want to study in Havard Business University in future . So what subject i should choose to study . I 'm consider between English A1 HL and EngLish B HL . Some people told me that if i'm not good at english i should choose English B to get 6 or 7 .It will better than choose English A1 and get 4 or 5 . But will havard accept English B ? And one more question is should i choose Economic HL and Business HL together . </p>

<p>I plan to take </p>

<p>Vietnamese SL (my native language)
Chemistry SL
Economic SL</p>

<p>English B HL
Math HL
Business HL </p>

<p>And I 've never studied American's Math , Business and Economic before</p>

<p>PLEASE help me !!! :(

<p>Good scores will favorably impact your application at any school, I think. But for most top privates/Ivys, they will only give course credit if you score a 6 or 7 on HL subjects.</p>

<p>Several top schools won’t accept credit even if you get a 7. They really want you to take their core classes, and English would get you (in most schools) out of the freshmen writing requirement. For example, Princeton. Just a note to point out.</p>

<p>But your focus shouldn’t be on getting credit. American schools do NOT let you in based off of IB scores, like in British schools. Instead focus on what you’re going to enjoy and what your grades will survive. Taking a class to get into Harvard that makes you completely miserable will likely mean you’re not doing your best, you skip out on after school stuff, etc… </p>

<p>And if you’re talking about Harvard Business School (HBS) for an MBA (as opposed to a business degree just at Harvard University), then stop stressing right now. It’ll be at least 6 years, but way more likely around 10 to 15 years before you get an MBA. There will be much more important factors in getting into HBS than if you choose English A or B.</p>