what to do

<p>Go to University of Kentucky or University of Louisville on a full ride bc I was a Governors Scholar, or go to Notre Dame/Duke-if i get in.
I go to a private, catholic, all-male school
Profile:8th out of 129
GPA: 3.88 UW
ACT: 32
SAt:take it in march
AP classes:US History, both English, Spanish, Physics, Calculus
EC's:Academic Team (captain), community service club (president elect), student sentate, NHS, Spanish Club, B.U.G. Club (care for animals in Bio room), P.A.C. (Principal's Advisory Committee-12 students(3/grade), Baseball, Intamural Basketball, Governor's Cup</p>

<p>So what are my chances at ND/Duke (dont worry i wont take offense if you think they're minimal). I plan on going into medicine or law. My dad will pay for five years of college. So should I go to UK/UL and have grad school paid for as well, or should i go to a better undergrad and have to pay for grad myself? How does going to UK/UL vs ND/Duke effect my chances of getting into a good grad school. Thanks for your time</p>

<p>We can't tell you what to do, but here are some things you should consider:</p>

<p>-Have you visited the schools in question? Do you think you could be happy, be challenged and have a good college experience at either place?
-Would you be in an honors college or other special program at UK/UL?</p>

<p>While the name recognition and rigor of a place like Duke or Notre Dame might open some doors for graduate schools, it may be significantly easier at a place like UK/UL to forge close relationships with faculty, get research positions, stand out of the crowd and rise to the top of your class. </p>

<p>The bottom line is, if you think you could be happy and have a good experience at UK/UL it may be wise to save the money for med/law school.</p>

<p>If you need the financial help, go to UK/UL. If you work hard there you can still get into a good grad school. Both of my parents went to a state school in the midwest, worked hard, and were sucessful in both their grad schools and their professional lives. A full ride is tough to turn down. If you don't need the $ however, just go wherever it feels right.</p>