What to wear for a regional student reception?

Should S wear polo and khakis or button down with tie?

Students typically dress more casually than a button-down with tie. Khakis with a polo at the max. Clean jeans with a polo is really ok too and very typical of what I’ve seen over the past 4 years. Many also wear Alabama tees or hoodies with jeans.


At the DFW receptions a couple weeks ago the dress was all over the place. Some had suit and ties other had jeans and polos on. I would suggest that your student wear what they are comfortable in for Sunday casual. My son dressed two years ago in slacks, white button down and a tie. Since he knew he would be meeting possible professors and Deans that could be the head of his chosen field of study he wanted to make a good 1st impression. He did have questions and did end up speaking with them. Do what your student is most comfortable with,

I don’t remember a single student wearing a tie at our reception last year. They did acknowledge all the Bama shirts and most others were probably wearing what they wore to school that day or a nice polo/button down shirt.

Thanks everyone. S was going to wear red polo and khaki pants. However we have received a lot of snow for our southern area so I guess it will be canceled. :frowning:

That’s too bad, hopefully they reschedule. Last year our speaker didn’t make it because of a snow storm. I just got th email invite for ours yesterday. I wondered why we would go because he’s definitely going to Bama but he wants the shirt:) and now my niece is interested in attending so I guess we are going one last time. Alabama does the best receptions out of all the ones I’ve attended so I don’t even mind going again.

Does anyone have a schedule of these receptions? Tried to contact UA recruiter on their website but the page bombed. Remember getting an invite for my older daughter but havent seen one for my current junior. Thanks in advance

Check each individual recruiters page or send them an email. Perhaps the UA website was down due to the weather.
They will usually reschedule the event if it was due to bad weather, but it might take a while. Several years ago we had an event scheduled for mid-November, but due to Hurricane Sandy, it was rescheduled a few months later.