What undergrad major is best for journalism grad programs?

<p>I want to be a journalist when I grow up, but I want a more liberal arts-oriented undergrad experience. I love writing (short stories and fiction along with nonfiction articles and essays) and so I was considering English or creative writing. Are there other majors that would help me as a future journalist?
(If it matters- I'm interested more in arts & culture journalism, especially music, than news.)</p>

<p>You can major in anything you like. I know history majors, English majors, even science majors who have gone into journalism. You do need to show interest in journalism, such as doing an internship.</p>

<p>Your undergrad major doesn’t matter that much, especially if you’re wanting to go to grad school for journalism, but yes, definitely show interest in journalism as an undergrad, work for your college’s newspaper, internship, etc.</p>