What Went Wrong at Bama Bound

<p>Note to self - Remember not to post when: exhausted, frustrated, travel weary and in ‘mommy’ mode. My other post would say - </p>

<p>Early BB was warm and welcoming, the students and parents were so much fun to meet, everything well-run and organized. DS unable to get UH freshman class, we <em>think</em> because credits may have bumped him to Soph. standing, will be contacting UA about glitch. We tried not to laugh at son’s obvious horror with final alternate. Hoping to tweak schedule later, S is optimistic.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>We are struggling with how to schedule classes around band ensembles when we don’t know which ensemble S will place into. My hope is that the counselors will work with my son in the fall and adjust the schedule as necessary **- but I am not sure they would make exceptions to work around band. **Does anyone have any insight or experience with this?</p>

<p>I’m not sure what kind of exceptions can be done. It is what it is. Depts won’t be always able to place him into classes that are full because there are fire restrictions and sometimes actual stationary seating. </p>

<p>When will he find out what ensemble he’ll be in?</p>

<p>The best thing to do is do devise several schedule alternatives. Yesterday, Robotbldmom and I spend the afternoon helping a BB student create a schedule (he hadn’t come to BB with any plan at all.) His classes with labs and recitation times were hard to fit in, but we were able to get what he needed. </p>

<p>Do these ensembles meet at various times in the day? or mostly late afternoons?</p>

<p>The options need to be flexible. Don’t only include course section options, but also actual optional courses.</p>

<p>Tip for others…start with classes with labs and recitation times first.</p>

<p>^^^I totally agree with M2Ck, have a plan, then a back-up plan, and then another. You must try to work first with your most inflexible class i.e.: if a class has only one section, mark that class down first, then work your other classes in around that. Sometimes a higher level class will be full due to earlier registration for upperclassmen, you could try the wait list or try contacting the professor directly. However, my option would be to register for an alternate class and then try to contact the professor. I haven’t heard much good news from wait lists if the class is popular. I think the best advice that we can give is to go prepared to Bama Bound, this will help to ease any tensions.</p>



<p>Precisely right.</p>

<p>As the saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”</p>

<p>I remember during the engineering advising session at Bama Bound, the professor said, This will probably be the only semester you won’t get all the classes you want. So, get what you need, your prereqs, so you don’t mess up your class flow, very important if you’re an engineering major, and put in second/third/fourth choices, and tweak it later.</p>

<p>And NRDMOM, don’t worry about posting when tired, weary, mommy mode. I think it’s better for people to not go in with such a rosy picture that everything will run perfectly. Although I have been told that I live “prelive the crisis”, I have been able to get through some tough times because I have a backup plan in place.</p>

<p>As for Alabama Action, I believe we encountered this problem as well. As part of Bama Bound, there was an Honors College reception, where we met up with Jami Gates, who is no longer there, but I’m sure someone has replaced her, who helped my son with registering for the class. He had already been accepted into and paid the fee for the program, so he was guaranteed admission to the class. If you’ve done that, you should be fine.</p>

<p>Ok, I’m fair freakin’ out here at home. We leave Mon for Tues/Wed BB.</p>

<p>All that has been written is helpful…we are planning, planning, planning. BUT, no one seems to answer the questions about the precise process of all this.</p>

<p>Are kids doing this registration w/ laptops by themselves? Can we parents be with them? What TIME of day 2 is all this happening? People say log in early - is that students, parents, students WITH parents, students with Advisors?..where are they (what building) and about how many kids can we expect to be assigned to 1 advisor/helper?</p>

<p>Basically, WHO registers WHEN? and, if it is just my son doing it, does he stand in a line to get help, raise his hand, ??? (he doesn’t self-advocate well, so I have to pretty much script this for him, ok…)</p>

<p>My son is engineering - he has 1 class w/ only 1 session, so yes, we will try to register for that first. he has 4 other classes that he HAS TO TAKE TO STAY ON TRACK. there is only 1 possible solution unless he had 5 classes BACK-TO-BACK (I am NOT joking or exaggerating). I appreciate someone’s comment that this is like Jenga. If he has any problems - and from the sounds of it HE WILL HAVE PROBLEMS - what does he do precisely, please. The more details you can give us, the less stressed we will be.</p>

<p>I am, quite very frankly, NOT happy w/ the solution that ‘wait and over the summer things will work out’. Sorry to be blunt… but we are spending a great deal of money to go down from far away, and we expect to be DONE with orientation and registration AT THAT TIME. That is the purpose of going down in person. if we could do it remotely, then we should ALL be doing it remotely…</p>

<p>Nervous and frustrated in IL…</p>

<p>^^^aeromom, even if you get an answer here, perhaps it would be worthwhile to query the folks at Bama Bound as well. </p>

<p>Here’s a link to their contact form: [Contact</a> - Bama Bound Orientation - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://orientation.ua.edu/contact/]Contact”>Contact – Orientation | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>More contact info:</p>

<p>Location: 205 Student Services
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Mailing Address: Box 870110, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0110
Phone: (800) 933-BAMA</p>

<p>Registration is generally on the second day during the break out sessions by school. Students attend this alone…no parents at registration. Some of the schools handle it differently than others with some going to computer labs for registration. That is why your question hasn’t been answered. Advisors will be on hand to assist and hopefully your son’s experience will be much better than those reported here. Last year I think it was mid morning.</p>

<p>Thousands go through this process every year. Thousands graduate after a successful run every year. Let’s not reinvent the wheel. It’s a P-R-O-C-E-S-S. If it were black and white, cut and dry then it wouldn’t be a P-r-O-c_E-s-S.
Bama Bound is NOT going to be the death of one’s higher educational career, if it doesn’t go exactly as planned. Flexibility will take you far in life and usually with much less stress.
Que up.
Be patient.
Have a positive attitude.
It’s time that the students (young adults) figure some things out for themselves.
I commend you, StLCrim for allowing your sweet daughter to take the reigns and have a life lesson or two in the meantime. Things will work out.
They will be better for it.</p>

<p>Sorry for all of the frustration.</p>

<p>If you are in AA or OA you will be able to get that on your schedule. Last year it was done at home about a week or two later. Don’t sweat that part.</p>

<p>I would make a list of all of the people you could possibly want to contact at BB. Along with their phone numbers and emails. I did this last year. I had the info for various people in engineering, Freshman Engr, CBH, Dean Sharpe, etc. That way you can contact them right away.</p>

<p>Could the people that had the problems recently please explain the resolution of their problem. Perhaps who they contacted. The folks at this year’s BB have the most current info.</p>

<p>It will be easier next semester. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Wow, will be attending Bama Bound on May 31st. and June 1. I guess I am a little concerned. S is going in with a track for Chem Eng. When working with DegreeWorks, it shows seats available and total seats with class numbers. The Eng 111, 131 and 151 show availability. However CH 101 and Math 125 show no availability in ANY of the classes. These are vital courses in the sequence for Chem Eng for instance. To reiterate what others have said, these will be opened up at each Bama Bound to get in these important classes? I never envisioned these problems.</p>

<p>I don’t think you will have any problems with CH101 or MTH125. Last fall there were over 200 seats available for each section of CH101 (over 80 for MTH125) and for this year they are only showing 80 or so for CH101 and 37 for MTH125. So I think they will add more at each Bama Bound.</p>

<p>Basically, WHO registers WHEN? and, if it is just my son doing it, does he stand in a line to get help, raise his hand, ??? (he doesn’t self-advocate well, so I have to pretty much script this for him, ok…)</p>

<p>then, if you have all the CRN numbers and alternative schedules, then around 9am on Day 2, the parent can log into mybama, go to Add/Drop, scroll down, put in the CRN numbers and voila! done. </p>

<p>The reg hold is lifted around 9am…plus or minus.</p>

<p>Small update: S went on DegreeWorks and discovered he is listed as a sophomore, with 37% of degree complete. He doesn’t remember it being there last time he checked but I’m not sure how long ago he was on it, he was working schedule mainly from flow charts and CC advice. I am more convinced than ever that the block on UH Freshman class was due to sophomore standing, so parents, if your kid has a fair amount of credits, they should make sure to check their status before BB, if they plan on taking classes requiring freshman standing.</p>

<p>Update from STL: </p>

<p>She is home and well rested and I now have the full scoop. Things went for the most part very smoothly and she is pleased with the end result.</p>

<p>Yes, she did have a snafu with her counselor from her department, but in all fairness it is important to look at the total picture. She was at the 1 day session so it will be a bit different than the 2 day sessions. When it came time for registration, she was in a room with other students. I believe there were computers for them to all work on – she did not take her laptop. She had her dream schedule with her from DegreeWorks. They were told to write down the AP classes, etc. they have completed. DD did not have enough time to complete the list before she was called. (She recommends others have this list complete prior to registration.) She was one of the first ones called. </p>

<p>She meet with her advisor from her (major) department. The students meet with their department advisors before they register for classes so they can get guidance on their choices. DD was told she could not take a honors Lit class and History at the same time – she was told this would be too difficult of a schedule. (Also all the history classes were full.) Okay-- she moved forward.</p>

<p>The biggest roadblock was when she asked to register for UH 103 which is required for AA. That class was closed. The advisor did not have an answer, became exasperated with DD, and told her it was her problem. DD thanked her and went back to the registration room where she asked one of the other counselors for help. Now keep in mind that my DD’s department advisor had a long list of other students she HAD to see that day (DD was one of the first called) and it was a friday afternoon on the eve of a holiday weekend. I know this is no excuse, but it is easy to have some empathy which even my DD could see (after the fact :slight_smile: ). Someone else was able to help her. The counselors in the registration area do not have a list of people they are required to see. Even though she could not obtain a clear answer, she was given a direction. DD walked away a frustrated, but happy she solved this herself.</p>

<p>It did not occur to DD to get the name of her department advisor. She is not one to assume she is going to have troubles. :slight_smile: She was given a survey to complete at the end of her registration and she honestly and throughly wrote about her experience. The survey does go back to the departments and my DD put her name on it.</p>

<p>Bottom line is that she did it herself and she is proud of her accomplishment. She had to find her voice. She got some of the classes she wanted…not all. Not having all the classes she expected her 1st semester of her freshman year is not going to break her 4 year plan – plus I am sure she will experience more bumps in the road along this journey.<br>
PS. She learned in orientation, she can pick a different department advisor if wanted.</p>

<p>I am sure the rest of the BB sessions will run with ease and grace. There always has to be a starting point and room for improvement. asaunmom – You rock!</p>



<p>Mom2CK, will the student have met with the adviser at that point? And does it matter? Do the holds for all of the students at a given BB session get lifted at the same time, regardless of when they’re called to meet with the adviser?</p>

<p>Ok some of you need to watch this and read Saban’s lips.
<a href=“http://gif.mocksession.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/SETTLE-THE-F-DOWN.gif[/url]”>http://gif.mocksession.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/SETTLE-THE-F-DOWN.gif&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Bama Bound isn’t the end of registration, it’s only the beginning. You’ll have other chances throughout the summer to tweak your schedule. If a class is required for Outdoor Action then you WILL get that class if you’re signed up for Outdoor action. If there is a snafu at your BB session then just set that time aside and go on to another class as it will be worked out later on. </p>

<p>Registration is done on the 2nd day of BB by the students THEMSELVES. I believe it starts at 11am but check your BB itinerary, it will be listed on there. Parents are not there at this time. Computers WILL be provided. Helpers will be on hand if you need help. There is a guidance session on Day 1. If your kid pays attention on that day he/she will know what to do on day 2 including what building to go to for registration. </p>

<p>If you come out of BB with less than an ideal schedule don’t despair. Just look at the schedule for upcoming BB sessions and log onto mybama around 9am on the 2nd day of those sessions. If registration is locked then keep trying every few minutes and as soon as it opens up jump on there and use the drop/add feature to try and better your schedule. You might not get it “fixed” the first time but keep trying each subsequent session and most likely you’ll end up with a schedule that is pretty decent.</p>

<p>READ your emails and info packets that The University sends you. Many times the answers to your questions are in there and it will prevent anger and frustration later on. But remember sometimes computer glitches happen and sometimes classes that lil johnny or suzy wants are just flat out full already. They might be disappointed for a day or two but they’ll live.</p>

<p>BTW, great post STLCrimsonMom. I know your daughter was probably frustrated but she handled it with maturity. She’ll have chances throughout the summer to tweak her schedule further if she so desires so be sure to tell her that.</p>

<p>*However CH 101 and Math 125 show no availability in ANY of the classes. These are vital courses in the sequence for Chem Eng for instance. *</p>

<p>They’re closed now to keep others from registering in them. Seats in each will open for each BB.</p>

<p>*then, if you have all the CRN numbers and alternative schedules, then around 9am on Day 2, the parent can log into mybama, go to Add/Drop, scroll down, put in the CRN numbers and voila! done.
The reg hold is lifted around 9am…plus or minus.</p>

Mom2CK, will the student have met with the adviser at that point? And does it matter? Do the holds for all of the students at a given BB session get lifted at the same time, regardless of when they’re called to meet with the adviser?*</p>

<p>The student probably hasn’t met with adviser at this point. No, it doesn’t matter; that’s why schedules should be worked out before going to BB. An advisor isn’t going to create a student’s schedule by picking out sections, planning food breaks, etc. </p>

<p>Yes, all holds are lifted at the same time. It would be too complicated and time-consuming to lift holds one by one within a couple hours. The advisor approves the schedule theoretically, but the hold has already been lifted.</p>

<p>*She was at the 1 day session so it will be a bit different than the 2 day sessions. *</p>

<p>Yes, that one day BB really has a crammed schedule.</p>

<p>I (parent) have received a schedule for BB. DS has not. Is it missing, or do the students receive their schedule when they arrive? We were trying to figure out the timing of the Spanish placement test. Is this something DS signs up for prior to arrival, or when he gets there? Thanks!</p>

<p>One more question. When you are submitting the photo for the ID card online, does the site tell you that it has been submitted successfully? DS has tried to submit it several times. After hitting the submit button, the file disappears, but nothing happens to tell him if the photo has been submitted.</p>