<p>i got a 2020 and i took the sat in october and hoping to get 2200+.</p>
<p>Why don't you look at the Common Data Set?</p>
<p>It does make a difference how those point are distributed, too.</p>
<p>it just tells me the 25th percentile and 75th percentile.</p>
<p>Yeah, so if you're aiming for a "good" chance -- the 75th percentile.</p>
<p>You know, I'm all for optimism, but I'm extremely skeptical of 200 point jumps in SAT scores.</p>
<p>2250+ would be a competitive score.</p>
<p>yeah i dont think i have a great shot either.. oh well... still have UCs to look at</p>
<p>also try the ACT.</p>
<p>I think if you are unhooked near the top of your class you need to shoot to be above the median, which is currently a 2200.</p>
<p>I believe that is the median of those attending, though, as opposed to those accepted. There could be a difference. Although in general it's a good benchmark.</p>
<p>i feel like 1500 or higher, and a 700 or higher on the writing would put you in good standing. over 2300 and i think you stand out (but only slightly). lower than 1400 and i think u stand out in a negative way. otherwise, sats are really only one factor in the process.</p>
<p>on the contrary, does anyone know the lowest SAT score of ppl who got into Dartmouth?</p>
<p>a friend of ours with a 1350 and lots of ECs got in last year; she is a freshman there this year. She was waitlisted and then accepted in the spring.</p>
<p>Do you mean a 1350 out of 1600, or out of 2400?</p>
<p>^Obviously out of 1600. Out of 2400 would make that a 450 per category, which is state school level. (You'd have to be a MAJOR legacy to get into an Ivy with a 1350/2400...)
As for competitive SATs, the standards aren't as rigorous for URMs and recruited athletes. For a rough estimate though, 2200 would be pretty solid for someone with a hook; 2300 for someone without one. </p>
<p>Unfortunately, I'm a white guy and will only play IM sports with a 2200. (700 CR; 720 W; 780 M) I'm so screwed :(</p>
<p>:) ;) whoa! I didn't know it automatically made those faces if you typed in the colon and parenthese</p>
<p>colinization, it seems to me that your SATs are good enough to put you in the running. The question is, what else can you offer? ;)</p>
<p>For example, do you know how to make the purple unhappy face? :)</p>
<p>a 2250 should do it. also try to get in a few satII subject tests in the high 700's, that shud help as well</p>
<p>^I was wondering, do they actually care about those? I have an 800 Math II and a 770 US History, but I figured they didn’t look at them too closely.</p>
<p>I have the impression that they care about them to the extent that they take a glance over them to make sure that they are “in range.”</p>
<p>Or, if there is a weak spot in your application, they might help. Say your AP English teacher had to take extended medical leave junior year and was replaced at grading time by a long-term sub who didn’t like you for some reason and gave you a C, and you have the minimum writing-oriented courses on your transcript. Questions about your ability to write well enough for D in light of this might be answered by a 5 on the English AP exam and a 750 on the relevant SATI sections and SATII. Say you didn’t take Calculus for some reason–maybe scheduling–but you say you want to major in Chem and be pre-med. The fact that you scored 800 on Math IIC might reassure them that you can in fact do math well enough to get through the necessary courses.</p>
<p>But I’m really speculating.</p>