<p>Well, I've been thinking about it, and after this stupid TAKS testing is over (standardized testing in Texas is a big deal at my school), I'm going to go to my counselor and ask permission for me to take AP Chemistry instead of Pre-AP. I'm guessing that some of you go to schools with the policy of taking three years of science at the Pre-AP level and choosing your AP class in your senior year. I don't see the sense in that, considering that Pre-AP Biology has been so frickin' easy (100 average for the year so far) and I can only predict the same from Pre-AP Chemistry. I would like to take AP Biology and Physics as well, but I'll have to go straight to AP for the next three years. Do any of you recommend this? Or should I just try my luck self-studying? I would also like to hear some of your experiences concerning the difficulty of these science APs, if you don't mind. Thanks, and I hope to hear from you!</p>
<p>No, you should jump into the AP track and stay there: a single AP/year is not bad, and given your situation it may be imperative to maintaining your sanity.</p>