<p>I'm not sure what to do, I have two options Ap chem or Ap bio for my junior year and both have their pros and cons. Ap bio has one of the coolest teachers that is an easy grader but I'm not to fond of the actual course, ap chem has a very strict a teacher but I like the the course better, what should I go with?</p>
<p>Would you be taking the other class in senior year? If so I’d go for AP bio.</p>
<p>Probably not, taking physics senior year.</p>
<p>i would take ap bio next year, according to your statements about easy teachers and such since junior year is the hardest year…
but I’m taking ap chem since I really like my teacher, aspire to become a pharmacist, really dislike bio, and I’m also really bad a bio…</p>
<p>What would Jesus do?</p>
<p>That’s the answer</p>
<p>ht tp://i.img ur.c om/SlV9qUe.png holy ■■■■ @Apollo11</p>
I’m on Imgur? That’s cool. BTW, @metsfanAJM, I’ll need you to explain this.</p>