what's going on?

<p>well school is winding down and the lacrosse season ended about 2 weeks ago, meaning that i no longer have to run around and have no reason to have muscle aches and the like</p>

<p>just yesterday though, i awoke with a type of dull ache behind my knees, and i hadn't done any sort of physical activity since the two weeks ago, so does anyone know what's going on?</p>

<p>lol maybe you slept funny.. like bent your legs.. you know.. like kneeling on the ground.. except lying down sideways... i don't know how to descirbe this...oh like, picture a dead horse on the ground - their knees are bent..</p>

<p>i get that with my neck sometimes and i've heard of people's arms hurting (with bad sleeping posititions) but I haven't heard of sore knees yet.</p>

<p>i know what u mean but i don't think that's it... since i've been sleepin like my normal way for a long time, and this dull ache only popped up about 1 or 2 days ago</p>

<p>i have gottten that with my neck though, and that stuff HURTS a whole bunch! i think i got it when it once on thanksgiving day, that was atrocious</p>

<p>any major change in activity can cause soreness. The fact that you were constantly running and now aren't could definitely make your knees hurt. By any chance did you forget that maybe you instictively took ibuprofen or something after practices, and now that you're not practicing, you've stopped, and thus you can feel your chronic knee pain?</p>

<p>ummm, i'm quite sure that i never took any kind of drug to ease pain (although aabout a quarter of the pppl on the team did)</p>

<p>someone suggested it might be "growing pains" is that possible?</p>

<p>how old are you?</p>

<p>Also, I just remembered this, one of the biggest contributors to knee pain are your leg muscles. If your muscles are too weak, too strong, or imbalanced, you will have knee pain. That may be the cause.</p>

<p>17... but i don't think im unbalanced or anythin, i never had any problem with it before</p>

<p>today its a little different, not really hurting at all, it just feels like my legs are kinda weak</p>

<p>maybe you should have it check it out by a doctor...i suspect it may just be a minor issue....</p>

<p>^yeh that sounds like a good course of action but parents say should wait a week or two and see if it sticks around</p>

<p>i think it's just cuz your level of activity changed.</p>