What's more difficult? Chem 3A/L or 112a?

<p>Topic - thanks!</p>

<p>112 a</p>

<p>Are they both curved?</p>

<p>Why is 112a so bad? I mean, the difficulty of the classes should be all relative anyway, right?</p>

<p>the labs are identical, lecture probably depends on the professor</p>

<p>Apparently 112A is not much different from 3A, except in 112A you learn a few more reactions. I’m not completely positive about that, though, and in any case, you won’t find anyone who’s taken both. </p>

<p>The midterm averages for 112A are higher and the grading distribution is slightly better, but then again, pretty much everyone in 112A is in the College of Chemistry and presumably enjoys and is good at chem, or at least more so than the average student in 3A.</p>

<p>3A/L is split into the lecture and lab, which are separate classes. 3AL is two units and pretty much everyone gets an A. 112A is a single 5-unit class, with the lab portion worth only 20% of your grade (as opposed to 3A/3AL, which is like having 3AL be worth 40% of your grade, thus boosting it more).</p>

<p>As for the professors, I’ve heard only good things about Frechet and Pedersen (3A) and Ellman (112A). Supposedly the other 3A professors are not as good.</p>