what's my chance at MIT....plz. i'm dying...

<p>To Big Brother 1984:
well...i donno...MIT ppl says the AP won't hurt at all, otherwise i can just don put that Calc in the application>.< </p>

<p>about the essay, i did make sure there was no mistake in it, i wrote the content, and a lot of ppl have edited it for me (well, only gramma and stuff)
i don like english at all>.<
by the way, MIT didn't require SAT 1 for internationals
i did gave you almost all the information i gave MIT, so "you really haven't given us much information to evaluate you." reli don know what do you mean...</p>

<p>Ledarship: i'm not a tipical "leader" type of person, so i don reli want 2 put any of that on. well, if everyone is a "leader" then who are they going to lead? ^^
thanks for your post anywayz</p>

well....THX a lot:P however^^ i'm not THAT good tho</p>

<p>just checked again,according 2 the MIT course selection, a 4 in calc BC is enough for earning the first yr calculus credit...it that "hurts", how can they even award a credit?
hehe, believe it or not, most of ppl who read my app hv told me that the essay was the best part (however, i still think my best part was the short answer questions)>.<</p>

<p>Conan you have a great chance to be accepted to MIT...</p>

<p>Isn't conan a character name for a cartoon? I remember watching it when I was in china. Well good luck to you and me. lol</p>

<p>haha^^ thx guys,
yeah!!! i named myself after Detective Conan:P
the little japanese detective guy in the cartoon, who was named after Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
haha well....it's my unofficial name tho...
r u going MIT too? Good luck 2 u and me^^!</p>

<p>I don't know If i m going or not. (hope yes) But I have applied. My chance is pretty average.</p>

<p>Hello Conan, fellow Canadian!</p>

<p>My name is Gabriel, I am 15, brazilian, currently studying in an AP high school in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. According to what I read in your post, I can only tell that your chances of going to MIT are extremely high and if I was a member of the MIT Admission Staff, I would definately put your application on the top 25.</p>

<p>What I mean is that, wow, man, you blow my mind with your impressive background on Mathematics, your volunteer work and your works on research, self-study (I teach myself Calculus and Physics, my passions, that is why I am impressive of finding someone like you here at CC) and your academic achievements. </p>

<p>I tell you, you are definately going to MIT, (if God exists, I am not him) but I am not 100% sure to tell you that. The only problem about us Canadians or other international students is that our chances of getting into MIT are only of 5%, + or -, so it sucks, I know. But I am very impressive with you, specially your researches in Topology, with is a very advanced subject in Mathematics, I'd say.</p>

<p>I am very, very, very, extremely passioned about MIT (I love to watch the video lectures on Physics from MIT, if you want to watch them, I created a thread in Wikipedia, here: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Lewin_Lectures_on_Physics%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Lewin_Lectures_on_Physics&lt;/a&gt;) and in one year and a half, I am definately going to apply to MIT and I am definately trying to get ready and to be as strong as possible as an applicant in the future.</p>

<p>Even if you don't get admitted, or hopefully, I hope you go there, you get a happy letter from MIT telling you that you have been accepted, :) please post here in this thread at CC telling us if you got in or not, because I want, and I am sure the others want to, give you some applauses for the hard work you have done to go there.</p>

<p>And if you get in, it would be great if you could tell us that you GOT IN ( YEAHHHHH! :D), so that we can all (Us all that want to go to MIT) think of you, Conan, as a good example, of a strong application. If you get in and you tell us that, I will think like this: "If I want to get into MIT, I should try and be more like Conan, that cool canadian-chinese high school student that was dying (kiddin') in CC.com and wanted to know if he was getting in MIT or not." I will think of you as always an example, man. So I wish you the best of luck on getting to MIT.</p>

<p>Good luck, and please notify us of the decision they made,</p>


<p>I agree that the 4 in Calc will hurt you...your other accomplishments make you seem to be brilliant at math...but the AP curves are quite easy...it makes your advanced self-study work look less prestigious when you didn't get a 5 on the AP exam.</p>

Woooooow>.< thx a loooot! hehe you made me feel much better!
for sure i'll post here on March 17th when the decisions r out!^^</p>

<p>well...still...AP...Ummm now i feel that i shouldn't put that on...
however, since i can't change it anymore...>.< i'll just try not to think about that
i just reli don like the AP exam format..it's not like a lot of thinking going on...well i know it's easy 2 get a five, and you can get a five with a huge amount of mistakes...but i really don know what's on the test when i took it...seriously...i don hv a AP guide book or any practice exams, all i did was read on a university calculus book and understand all the interesting things in it>.< and then i was told that i could take the AP exam, so i did..>.<</p>

<p>Of course it would be very nice if you could get a 5 in AP Calculus, but a 4, I guess if they give students credit for a score of 4, it won't hurt your application.</p>

<p>Before anything, I wish you the best of luck on getting to MIT.
Now, here is a couple of questions. Have you done any SAT Reasoning Tests?</p>

<p>And, are you only applying to MIT or you are applyting to other colleges too? If so, which ones?
By the way, what are you thinking about to major in MIT?</p>

<p>I will get in touch with you in MSN as soon as I can. I am kinda busy now, but I will definately talk to you later.</p>

<p>Good luck, "Chinadian" :D... (just kiddin), you can call me Brazidian if you want :P >.< MIT Admission for international students is, as someone in this thread pointed out, EXTREMELY, not very or extremely, but INSANELY competitive. 100 out of 2500 (or 2000, I am not sure) International Students get into MIT, but you still have a pretty good shot, so I'd stick with that, and if you are a religious man and you think there is a God in the sky taking care of you (I don't >_<), then pray for him and tell him you will be a good boy if he gets you to MIT... :) :P >.<</p>

alias Johannes Kepler</p>

<p>Since you are dying (which I'm sure is the absolute truth:), I'll give you my short answer: you've a 50/50 chance.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, MIT doesn't allow international students to apply in the EA round, which would usually give candidates a slight advantage. Also do note that you want to keep your options open. Apply for some reach, some realistic (e.g. Cornell for a math-y person like you), and some safety schools as well. MIT is notoriously famous for its "Hardest school to get into" title (yes even harder to than Princeton, Harvard, and Yale)</p>

<p>hehe, thx Jimmy...that's almost same as my own perdiction...50/50\
(actually mine is slightly less, i think it would be 2-Pi^2/6, haha)</p>

<p>anywayz...i'm not really interested in going to the States, and since i already felt in love with University of Toronto (hehe i go there 3-4 times a week in average for my special program). so i'm not planning to go anywhere instead of U of T...of course...since MIT is my childhood dream, want to give it a try. that's basically why i am only doing MIT:P</p>

<p>Hehe... cool, well we hope you get in MIT. If you don't get in, I will lose faith in the MIT International Student Admission Process, serious man... :P</p>

<p>Ok, so, what are you playing on majoring at MIT (or U of T)? Mathematics? Physics? Engineering?</p>

<p>you probably should... lol jk.</p>

<p>hehe...I'm definitely going for mathematics>.< hehe...i like "useless" stuff:P</p>

<p>I really love mathematics too, you are not alone. I said this many times, but we really hope you get in MIT. If you don't, well at least you tried, and very hard I'd say. Besides, if you don't get in you will be happy at University of Toronto. Its the best University in Canada!!! :D </p>

<p>I will probably major later in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics. You like physics, right Conan? </p>

<p>By the way :), is that your REAL name or just some kind of a nickname or something? :D</p>

<p>The only difference from a mathematician and a physicist, is that for physicists, mathematics is just (well, not just...) a very powerful tool. But the mathematician is the person who really cares about how math works and the new things that could be discovered. Mathematics is all in nature. There is nothing that mathematicians can create (not as far as I am aware of...), but mathematicians are here for one reason: to discovered those laws and those formulas from nature and from the geometrical structure of our world.</p>

<p>Good luck at the Pi Day.</p>

<p>hehe...theoretical physics...i was really into that when i was younger, however, for some reason i switched to mathematics. actually, after i met a few physicists and talked 2 a few theoretical physicists, i made that decision.
the reason was i found that even theoretical physics is not that theoretical. i found everything that deals with the real world is not theoretical enough for me. however, math is basically on its own (by stating that of course i mean modern math)
i have a quite different understanding about mathematics than you do. for me math is not about nature at all. and mathematicians basically creates the system, math is based on logic, which is itself a creation and a imaginary subject. so I'd say pure math is totally abstract. and for me, that's the beauty of it.</p>

<p>Ummm^^ add-on: the MIT decision will not release on the Pi day this year,it will be on St. Patrick's Day</p>

<p>Yeah! you are right. Sorry but the last time I couldn't put into words what I meant by mathematics: :D its abstract, its pure logic, and mathematics is the structure of things and how things works... :)</p>

<p>Conan, the definition of theoretical physics is: mathematical physics.</p>

<p>That is why I love that so much. If I am going to be a theoretical physicist, I won't say that mathematics is just a tool. I will say that mathematics is like my twin and that it will be always near my side. It doesn't change. The numbers, everything in math will always stay the same. And believe me, they will always help us, specially in the understanding of the Universe and of ourselves.</p>

<p>lol YOU MONSTERS!!!</p>

<p>anyway lol i'm not as savy at math as u r conan, but i'm applying to US schoolx next year and honestly, even though i'm not applying to mit, i will definitely lose hope in US university addmission system for us CHINADIANS Lol if you don't get in =))</p>

<p>so yaaa</p>

<p>good luck !</p>

i ordered an ecard online for you =) check it out on march 17 =) should be there by 0:00
haha =)</p>

<p>what's your cartoon website? pm me plz if you don't want post here</p>