<p>Conan, today is the big week. Good luck on your coming letter. HYGIMIT.</p>
<p>(Hope You Get In MIT) :)</p>
<p>Conan, today is the big week. Good luck on your coming letter. HYGIMIT.</p>
<p>(Hope You Get In MIT) :)</p>
<p>Lol.. you guys ready for AIME tomorrow....</p>
<p>Oh cmon guys, the last thing conan needs is a false sense of security. He's done the best he can - that's all we can expect from him. But this "if you don't get in, I'll lose faith in the admissions process" bullcrap is really setting yourselves up for a major disappointment. Why the peer pressure?</p>
<p>And why the false hopes? kepler, a 4 in AP Calc is GOING to hurt. I don't think it's definitive enough to say that a 4 will bin conan's application, but a 4 is GOING to hurt his application - especially given an international context. Consider, almost 40% of Calc BC test takers score a 5 on the exam. How do you think MIT will view "being below the top 40%?" Again, no assumptions placed here, but I think it's very naive to assume that his score "won't hurt" his application.</p>
<p>I've read conan's stuff, and he's definitely mature and mentally prepared enough to attend MIT. However, there are other Canadian applicants who are numerically more qualified to attend. I have seen Canadians with far better credentials apply this year - and that's completely secondary to the other subjective factors that MIT so emphasizes! I sense that some of you are vastly underestimating the quality of the Canadian applicant pool - and if that's the case, you are only setting yourself up for a dissappointment. Have a little more faith in us guys :-).</p>
<p>well, Jeremy:
seems like you reli paid much attention to my application^^
i have my view about how MIT select their applicants, which is quite unique. however, since the decision is coming soon, i'll just wait a few days and hopefully, if i was right and everything goes well, it will be proved. by that time, i'll post here again about what i think MIT is all about and what they are looking for.
about your 40% thing, i can reli say nothing about your logic...well AP is reli nothing like math contest, it's like a proof of your knowledge, nobody is forced to take it, the olny reason that i went and wrote the exam is: i might save a credit in university and take some more interesting courses. about mit don take 40+% people, i really think that thing is not even statistically correct>.< 98% of those people took a year of class on what's in that exam. however, as i said, i went to the exam for fun, i wrote down what i have learned in calculus which is totally different than take a AP book and went through the questions, well that's my way of writing exams. if MIT is the right school, they will see that, otherwise they won't. Ummm i'll save the rest for later.</p>
<p>by the way, if you, Mr. US IPhO semifinal list, can get a 660 on Physics SATII, why can't i get a 4 on Calc BC? note that 660 is below 40%, plus, i believe the "quality" of SAT II test takers are far below the Calc BC test takers.</p>
<p>by the way:
Yeah....AIME tomorrow....>.< i'm NOT ready!!!....too much MIT goin on here
by the way...i did APMO today....which went reasonably okey</p>
<p>Dude, you really need to chill... this is getting scary...</p>
<p>Errr...conan...I made an 800 on the SAT Physics exam. The 660 was an inside reference.</p>
<p>No bother...4 days to go :).</p>
<p>Who cares? Conan said he wanted to go to University of Toronto anyways and i am 100% sure he is in there, so there really is no loss.</p>
<p>I don't think a 4 in Calculus will hurt him.
Lets remind ourselves that that was all pure self-studying he did for getting that, its very impressive.</p>
<p>4 will really not hurt you. The only thing is that if you get in you won't get credit for it. But I dont think that is a problem, lol! C'mon, a calculus class in MIT is awesome, who cares about AP credits? :P Even 6th Grade in MIT would be fun, lol!</p>
<p>Must resist urge to post...</p>
<p>I do concede that you could possibly be right kepler, but I'm making no assumptions here. I really do believe though, that conan777 was fully capable of achieving a 5.</p>
<p>As a person highly familiar with mathematics contests, I would have to agree with many of conan's viewpoints about math contests and whatnot. However, if he really wanted to be safe, he should've omitted the Calc BC score from his application altogether. An AP test is an AP test, not a Math contest. There's no creativity involved in BC - you really had to study for the exam.</p>
<p>Yeah...you know...what about people like me? Who studied for their Calc BC exam...and got a 5. Whatev...I totally feel like watching some jdorama now.</p>
<p>Psss...conan...I'd appreciate if you not say my name in public. I am after all, Big Brother. ;)</p>
<p>Have you applied to caltech and harvard? I believe harvard has the best math program in the country....</p>
<p>AIME TEST TODAY.......I think i answered only one correct.. grrrrrrr.. that makes me mad....i was in a bad mood because i had to miss the assembly... :(</p>
<p>hehe...to Big brother:</p>
<p>i said your name only because you said mine before...>.< well...i found i can't change the post now>.<
yeah maybe you are right, i should have omitted the Calc BC score. ( i did considered that tho...i end up putting it on only because i asked MIT admission staff on their blogs, and they said i should definitely put it on...well, that might not be a good choice). thanks a lot for trusting my ability tho...but i am not really good at doing that kind of study, (it's not so fun...>.<) actually, i think math contests are sometimes also based on practices, well that's basically why i will never do really well on them>.< hehe but i'm okey with my 50ish rank since i know all those kids did work much harder>.<
How was your APMO? ^^</p>
<p>to kepler:
you do get a credit for a 4 or 5 in Calc BC in MIT (i donno why)...but i totally agree that MIT calc is fun (well if you get a credit, you may do a more interesting calc course ^^)</p>
i didn't do those because i'm seriously in love with UofT >.< i know Caltech and Harvard are both best schools in the world, however, i just want 2 try MIT^^ plus i don reli want 2 move 2 the states^^ (well for me MIT is different)</p>
yep you r right, i got in UofT in January.
i totally screwed up AIME too....so don worry....i'm sure that i'm not goin 2 make it to USAMO >.< ( i don even want 2 count how many questions i got right...)</p>
<p>Rock on conan. I've only mentioned your name on several occassions because it was ONLY obvious from your CC name ;).</p>
<p>My APMO was great thank you. I had particular fun bashing a very...bashy question using a well-known bashy method. </p>
<p>I'm really impressed conan, that you chose schools based on what you felt were good fits. Caltech and Harvard definitely have good programs, but you followed your heart. Absolutely nothing to be bashful about.</p>
<p>Big brother:</p>
<p>You are probably right, man.</p>
Yeah Harvard might have the best math program in the world.</p>
<p>By the way, here is according to everything I've seen on the Internet, rankings, New York Times, etc, here is my top 7 Math Courses list I think may be true, considering all the best Math schools in the world, here is the order I think should be:</p>
<li>University of Cambridge (Obviously... :)) </li>
<li>Massachusetts Institute of Technology</li>
<li>Harvard University</li>
<li>Princeton University</li>
<li>Stanford University</li>
<li>UC Berkeley</li>
<p>By the way, check it out.
<a href="http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/grad/rankings/phdsci/brief/mat_brief.php%5B/url%5D">http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/grad/rankings/phdsci/brief/mat_brief.php</a></p>
<p>Again, good luck Conan.</p>
<p>thanks everyone! you guys really made me feel better all these days!
hehe only 3 days to go^^</p>
<p>special thanks to Big brother:
haha i love debating with people! (especially "smart" people) i think we had a really nice conversation, hope that you also enjoyed it^^
by the way i still have no idea about when and how come you have met me in London...( i really think that should be me>.< and it really freaks me out) hope you can tell me later.</p>
<p>Conan, good luck with MIT, i think you have an awesome chance :)</p>
<p>by the way, I am also a Canadian student. I am wondering how can I enter the AMC and all the american contests? Does your school have to register or can you register individually? If so, how? THx.</p>
<p>Hey didn't MIT results come out today? Pi day?</p>
<p>nope they come out on the 17th. but happy pi day! :P</p>
<p>btw, conan, are you going to attend MIT over University of Toronto if you get in?</p>