<p>So this girl I know left a hickey on her boyfriend's neck, and now everyone (well the girls anyway) are acting like she's the slut of the century.
I don't get it... one hickey and now she's suddenly worse than the pay-per-bang whore standing in the corner on main st.?
Maybe it's just me, but don't you think that's kind of stupid? Or maybe my views on what's socially acceptable are twisted and insane. What do you guys (girls) think?</p>
<p>Okay, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's just the result of a little too much suction...</p>
<p>People are stupid, and therefore they have stupid reactions to little things like this.</p>
<p>well you should be able to see why it would be entertaining to bash on her. this situation shares the same soil with any other insulting joke, ridicule, mockery.. it can be fun. it doesn't necessarily mean they are immature though it's often correlated.</p>
<p>that's the most immature thing i've ever heard of. usually us girls get crap for having a hickey, not giving one, usually from jealous girls who don't have anyone. when i got hickeys this semester my friends made teased me endlessly for it, but it was all in good fun. they mainly laughed at me because of the terrible timing of when i received the hickeys. one was 3 days before parents weekend, and the other was 2 days before i came home for winter break. don't really want my parents asking about the bruise on my neck... lol</p>
<p>@cowtipper1 lol</p>
<p>Yea. I make fun of my friends for getting one. not giving one. and it's only because of what cowtipper1 stated. It's funny what story people tell their parents, teachers, co workers. lol man I heard some ridiculous stories.</p>
<p>Are you still in highschool? Please tell me you're still in highschool.</p>
<p>I’ve gone through this too. My Stepmother today went on about how they’re ‘trashy’ looking and ‘gross’ and such. My opinion? If I had told her it was a bug-bite, or a rash, she wouldn’t have cared. Don’t call something gross unless it’s actually gross. </p>
<p>People are just immature or silly about that. Just tell your friend to hold her head up high and not let them make her feel bad because she showed affection to her boyfriend.</p>
<p>My opinion? It’s honestly unclassy and tasteless.</p>
<p>^I’m with nerdasaurus. At least try to give/get them in places that are less visible.</p>
<p>I think it’s a bit much when people have really big ones in really obvious places. I understand that they happen sometimes, but at least use makeup or a scarf, or just stay away from really visible areas. I only get annoyed when people have really obvious ones and aren’t trying to cover them up.</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“http://cache.ohinternet.com/images/2/24/I_see_what_you_did_there_super.jpg]StardustLuna:[/url”>http://cache.ohinternet.com/images/2/24/I_see_what_you_did_there_super.jpg]StardustLuna:[/url</a>]</p>
<p>I’m on Rox’ side with this one. People that have large ones or multiple ones in very obvious areas are generally just leaving them out there for the attention in my experience. If you look like somebody beat your neck, wear a scarf or something. </p>
<p>They happen, even on accident. I’ve been yelled at more than once by our theater group’s art director and make up people for leaving them on my boyfriend during show week. That’s an instance I can understand people being upset, but in general one hickey is nbd. It’s when they get distracting that it becomes a problem and in general, it just really doesn’t look that good to have a neck full of em. One can usually be passed off though as some kind of weird bruise.</p>