What's the BEST thing about going to college for you?

Being around people my own age most of the time
interesting classes
Eating healthy food(I eat healthier at school)
Also the amazing Creamery (biggest in the nation at a university)
Not being nagged about stupid **** (like taking a shower at 10pm)</p>

<p>Being surrounded by a bunch of girls who are away from daddy for the first time.</p>

<p>Rarely seeing people over the age of 21/22
Regular meals that are actually tasty for college food
Not doing house chores
ice cream.
not being under a watchful eye.
beautiful scenery
classes without idiots in them</p>

<p>^ hey plainpaper2, what college did you get into?</p>

<p>Unless you got into the Ivy League or a private university, the idiots are still going to be widely prevalent.</p>

<p>Being surrounded by a bunch of girls who are away from daddy for the first time.</p>


<p>Being around first-time freshman chicks who have never been away from home before.</p>

<p>I’m going to spy on them!</p>

<p>why doesn’t anyone say “being around a bunch of guys who are away from mummy for the first time” haha…</p>

<p>I’ll be an international student two years later. Now I’m in 10th grade. Can someone give me some suggestions about my future college life? Thanks.</p>



<p>Stupidest. Comment. Ever.
Let me guess- you go to a private college?</p>

<p>@ The OP: That is absolutely awesome. I hope you love it! We have our problems, but America is a pretty awesome place to be. </p>

<p>For me, it’s seeing new places and things, learning, meeting interesting people, and broadening my horizons.</p>

<p>Also, I’m looking forward to streaking being not only acceptable, but encouraged!</p>



<p>Why would you think I go to a private university? Did I sound a bit biased to private universities?</p>

<p>Stupid assumption of you to make, buddy :)</p>

<p>There are definitely idiots at Ivy League schools. Have no fear.</p>

<p>Sigh. Does nobody EVER get sarcasm?
If you really think that private colleges admit only the very best of students, you are highly mistaken.
Ivy League? Maybe. ;)</p>


<p>^^ Thats one of the best factors about college.</p>

<p>“Independence” /= parents not around to tell you what to do/what not to do.</p>

<p>I have always had my independence (in non financial manner). The only benefit is that I am one step closer to making my own money, but I am aiming for a phd…so still a long ways away to making sufficient $.</p>

<p>Being able to see if I can make it and if I can really become all that I can by myself. Balancing everything and really given time to manage my life and possibly making something like a paper or theory or maybe even just a club? Maybe I’ll run club lacrosse or something… The best part is that I don’t know.</p>

<p>More mature people.
More intelligent people.
More freedom.
Being able to drink without having to drive.</p>

<p>Seeing snow :D.</p>

<p>Most of the school’s I’m applying to are going to be in the North or near mountains, so yeah :D.</p>