<p>another tool that alows us to haplessly compare ourselves to each other</p>
<p>To calculate visit</p>
<p>Academic</a> Index Calculator - Ivy League</p>
<p>I have a feeling mine is going to be on the low end of the spectrum:216</p>
<p>another tool that alows us to haplessly compare ourselves to each other</p>
<p>To calculate visit</p>
<p>Academic</a> Index Calculator - Ivy League</p>
<p>I have a feeling mine is going to be on the low end of the spectrum:216</p>
<p>At least yours is better than my 208! =]</p>
<p>Do colleges even use the AI for admissions?</p>
<p>yes, although every system is different</p>
<p>this calculator says i have a 235
but the number you get seems to be higher if you plug in GPA (my school doesn’t rank)</p>
<p>Mine is 214 hehehehehe… oops</p>
<p>And the calculator says…231.</p>
<p>same here
class rank: 216
GPA: 222</p>
<p>but it says to “Use GPA only if your HS does not provide rank info to colleges”</p>
<p>I got a 235, but it’s actually lower (233) if I use GPA. :p</p>
<p>I got a 229, which is an 8, but if I had four more people in my graduating class, I would have a 9. Go figure.</p>
<p>238 with GPA, school doesn’t rank</p>
<p>The formula is based on an equation which requires you to have a class size of at least 300 (and be number 1) to achieve a CRS of 80. </p>
<p>If you are ranked 3 in a class of 250-299, you will receive a CRS of 75.</p>
<p>If you provide only a GPA, a 3.9-3.99 will yield a CRS of 75. (You need 4.3 and above to receive an 80). </p>
<p>The systems people use a few equations to calculate your CRS, but basically, you can calculate it using simple tables. And of course, the other two parts of your AI are three subject tests (750 average = 75) and your SAT I Reasoning (800 average = 80). </p>
<p>This difference is known to the admissions officer, and they manually knock your AI down if they see an inflated GPA / are unable to tell if you are among the best in your class.</p>
<p>I got a 225.</p>
<p>that AI calculator of college confidential’s isn’t accurate so don’t feel bad over it.</p>
<p>216… But it was kind of cheating, because I haven’t taken 3 SAT IIs yet so I just put my writing score from the SAT. And my school doesn’t rank or calculate GPAs so I had to guess.</p>
<p>Oh well, I hope admissions officers simply like me :).</p>
<p>I got a 221/7…I wanted an 8!!!</p>
<p>D’s number ranges from 232 to 236 depending upon GPA or rank and also how you try to input a 35 ACT with SAT II’s.</p>
<p>I got a 232 / 240</p>
<p>9 / 9</p>
<p>I got:</p>
<p>239 / 240
9 / 9</p>
<p>I got a 223/7 by using GPA, and a 210/4 using “top 10%” even though I am supposed to be ranked #1, but our school doesn’t rank haha…I like how it warns you that you are not guaranteed admission into an Ivy!</p>
<p>I don’t know exactly how accurate this writer’s information is, but here’s an interesting discussion including his version of the history of AI and its use in Ivy athletic recruiting. Again, I don’t know how current or accurate this post is.</p>
<p>[Calculating</a> the Ivy League Academic Index](<a href=“http://home.comcast.net/~charles517/ivyai.html]Calculating”>http://home.comcast.net/~charles517/ivyai.html)</p>