Is Geneseo Worth It?

<p>I'm a senior in a high school in Westchester and recently got accepted to Geneseo. Currently, I have my list narrowed down to two schools (Geneseo and Bing). I feel that the academics are similar enough so that I should make my decision based on which college I would enjoy more. So basically, what I want to know is how fun is Genesep? Are the people cool? Are there parties/drinking going on a lot? What about the dorms/campus? Basically any imformation would be awesome, and I'll appreciate any opinions I receive. Thanks a lot.</p>

<p>Over 50 views and no response? Doesn’t anyone have an opinion on this school?</p>

<p>haahaha…I got rejected from here…15 days ago…it wud have been my 2nd choice though…after pace university</p>

<p>Did you visit both schools? Attend an overnight? The decision was easy for me after I did both.</p>

<p>Yeah I visited both schools, although I really didn’t get a good feel of either one. I guess that’s probably typical from going on a tour at a school without doing an overnight. I couldn’t really get a feel of Geneseo in particular since I visited when students were on break (although the campus was really nice).</p>

<p>The campus is really one of the best in the SUNY system. Most of us who graduated from Geneseo feel the same way we love the small campus appeal of the school, dedicated faculty, challenging academics, school spirit, motivated students …you will study hard but if you want to party there are always opportunities for that as well. There are plenty of ways to get involved on campus to keep yourself busy. </p>

<p>If you can make an overnight visit that might help your decision.</p>

<p>That’s good to hear. One thing though. I heard that a kid died of alcohol poisoning a couple years back. Hows has that affected the school, particularly the social life?</p>

<p>It basically killed the wild open parties that used to happen. It’s still not hard to find a party at least once every two weeks, but it helps if you know people and its definitely not as wild as before, where everyone just had their doors open.</p>

<p>How would you say Geneseo compares as a party school next to a school like Binghamton? And what do you think of the school overall?</p>

<p>I don’t have much insight about Binghamton. However, if you want to come and party at Geneseo you will have tons of company. I don’t go out alot probably two or three times a month but I’ve only once had a problem finding something. Which is pretty good seeing as I’m not on a sports team or frat or whatever. Because it’s in the middle of nowhere it’s pretty conducive to lots of partying.</p>

<p>Here’s the dope on Geneseo VS Binghamton (or any larger SUNY) I was told by the actual head of the SUNY system when asked which would be better, Geneseo or Bing or Albany, that the advantage of attending Geneseo would be that, as a smaller institution and one with much smaller grad student population, you would benefit by having more opportunities to interact with professors, and would have a chance to do research projects and presentations with professors. This has totally proven to be the case and the advice has been invaluable. Also, aesthetically, Geneseo has it all over Bing, it is a truly lovely campus and immediately adjacent little town (unlike the “city” of Binghamton (read depressing ghost town!) and has a great vibe. As with most things in life, if you want something badly enough, you will find it. There is partying aplenty for those who seek it. Bon chance!</p>

<p>I go to geneseo and my friend goes to Bing. From what I’ve grasped, the academics are about equally rigorous. Bing has more opportunities for study (i.e. engineering, …) but you don’t really get to know the professors very easily, unlike Geneseo, where you will most likely be on a first name basis by the end of the semester.</p>

<p>But it comes down to location. Binghamton (City) sucks. Geneseo (Town) is quite nice.</p>

<p>Plus 55/45 girl/guy at geneseo, not bad…</p>

<p>My younger brother went to Geneseo, and the name actually does carry quite a reputation in the NYC Metropolitan area. He had a number of opportunities offered to him fresh out of college, even partying his way through college as a pyschology major. This was back in mid 2007 though, before the **** hit the fan economically in the US. Right now he works as a mid-level manager for an insurance company, probably pulling in just over 100k/year with a bachelors degree. He didn’t do too terrible.</p>

<p>I would say it might even have a bit better reputation than Binghamton, although there are definitely less academic options at Geneseo. From when I visited him at the end of 2007, I gathered that a good majority of the students at Geneseo are education majors. Things may have changed slightly since then, though.</p>

<p>^Oh, Scuba, good to hear that Geneseo’s reputation has served your brother well! I’m a freshman attending now so that’s prime among my concerns but since I’ve come here, I’ve been dazzled by how smart everyone at my"saftey" is! </p>

<p>Jeff, I’ve answered your questions before but that was before I arrived. Now that I’m here, let me tell you, it exceeded all my wildest expectations! especially in terms of social…fridays there are multiple opens to choose from, whereas saturdays always have at least one awesome option. If you know the right people, as I did, it’s easy! This relates to the dorm question - very mixed, to be honest. Daga, the big, all freshman dorm with a good partying reputation, is fun and will center you among your peers, but let me tell you, Niagara, right next door, is where its at! All my friends from Daga come to us to party because we have a few transfers in our dorm and they have been a great resource! At geneseo, if you look for social life and have the right disposition, you’ll find it and be enthralled! also, it’s worth noting that my dorm is bigger than my room at home, but that’s exclusive to Niagara and a couple of others. Regardless of whether you opt for Niagara, try to avoid suite style, because you’re crammed in and its less social.</p>

<p>Now, I’ll be totally honest - I’m a binghampton hater, but I have good justification for such a stance. To begin with, I don’t have to tell you, Geneseo is breathtaking, especially in comparison to the dank, dreary, flooded Binghampton. Even when I’m stressed (not really yet but midterms are here, so I will be!) the sight of the Genesee valley really is reassuring. We’ve got a beautiful little woods with trails for running, a volley ball court and ivy growing everywhere - all those cute touches that seem silly as you tour really become integrated into your experience as not just a student, but a resident LIVING and learning at Geneseo. Binghampton parties and parties hard, this is true, but at Geneseo, partygoers are a community of their own, whereas Bing is so big it’s more a go-with-your-buds, drink, dance, stay safe, exit. I meet fascinating folks every weekend, which I part of the reason I truly love going out, among the obvious glamour of partying. Also, Bing is crazy big and saftey is a real concern, be it from other students or the shady surrounding areas in which people party - at Geneseo, I can stumble around totally wasted at 2am and the only people I have to avoid are campus police! I won’t test my theory but you know I mean. </p>

<p>If you have any more questions, you can e-mail me at <a href=“”></a> - I think you’ve got an easy choice, because you’ll be successful graduating from geneseo or bing, but for me, Geneseo’s community has ensured that I’ll feel supported, nurtured and happy for the next for years. I’ve been attending a month and have found a family, a home and delirious, blissful, utter happiness. Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>Our HS has sent many to both & without a doubt our students have liked Geneseo better</p>