When a university says its holistic... THEN DONT PUT UP CHANCE THREADS!!

<p>Yah just stop lol.. waste of thread space... pointless in accuracy of decisions... so useless wasting ur time bragging about urself... modesty is the best policy...</p>

<p>That is All.</p>

<p>Most people already know that. And even if a University didn’t call itself holistic, how would a bunch of 17 and 18 year-olds be able to tell anyone accurately what their chances were? Some people really do only post chance threads to gloat, but others just want some form of reassurance…or a reality check, even if its not completely accurate.</p>

<p>^^the point is that this place is for advice/info gathering on how to tackle admissions process… and certain loops etc… its pointless to get a ego builder or reassurance… if u apply then ull know… </p>

<p>and funny enough most people dont know that</p>

<p>I think that Chance threads are just ways for people to assure themselves, and get to sleep at night. Yes, I do find the constant presence of them annoying (especially those “Need I Even Apply?” threads with 4.0’s, 2400’s, and an overwhelming list of EC’s), but if that’s what it takes to reassure someone, why not? While it may not look like it, CC is a community where many applicants deem appropriate to post these threads looking for reassurance and hope.</p>

<p>If you really don’t like them, you don’t have to respond to them (I stopped checking them after the “Need I Even Apply?” thread I mentioned above :D)!</p>

<p>^^^Exactly. I don’t go to chance threads much anymore because of the egotistic ones, but reassurance really does help some people, even if its temporary.</p>

<p>still useless… after i posted this on the three college forums im applying to it stopped im happy lol</p>

<p>Hmm… I was under the assumption that some alums were on these forums, and I do appreciate people’s opinions on what you should improve on/essay topics/etc, regardless of how qualified they are.</p>

<p>And generally, I like seeing other people’s chance threads too, so I can see a small sampling of who I’m applying with. But mostly, they burn time. I agree also with a previous post that no one is forcing anyone to read those threads.</p>

<p>put they take up space… useless… i gotta keep bumping useful threads…</p>

<p>Moot point. I think if some people find them helpful then they aren’t such a waste—an annoyance to you maybe haha, and for that I apologize.</p>

<p>well there is a whole other section in this website called “CHANCES”… soo unless most people are blind when they see that i dont see where my logic is flawed… </p>

<p>That is all.</p>

<p>Good try.</p>

<p>Ooo… touchy, touchy.</p>

<p>So you’re right, but then there’s logic in posting in specific forums where people are supposedly more knowledgeable about a certain college.</p>

<p>I’m not saying your logic is flawed and you don’t have a point. I’m saying it’s arguable both ways–i.e. shutting people down and telling them not to post chance threads is merely your opinion, subsequently since this is a forum, I’m voicing mine.</p>

<p>i just find it pointless… u can get more answers if u directly talk to admitted students by e-mail or phone or make friends lol… a lil initiative never hurt anyone</p>

<p>True, but hey. People get bored. I tend to browse chance threads really when I’m feeling lazy/really late at night (when my friends are hw-ing, sleeping, or drunk, hah.) On the scale of internet diversions, chance threads aren’t as mindless as… well, imagination can take over here. </p>

<p>But yeah, initiative definitely trumps. Sadly for some people, this is as far as initiative gets. Don’t be too hard on them, haha. They’ll have a rough enough time in college…</p>

<p>Ok… not asking about chances … asking for advice.</p>

<p>Son has far stronger ACT scores than SAT I or II’s. techincally, JHU only requires the ACT with writing or the SAT. It recommends, however, a maximum of three SAT II tests. This does not tell me if an applicant takes a hit for not sending both ACTs and SAT scores, if both are taken.</p>

<p>So… if you had a 33-34 ACT composite, but were closer to 690/700 on SAT’s and 640-690 on various subject tests… .would you submit all or just the ACTs? While I realize scores don’t mean as much as the whole picture, I do think scores provide a baseline and a 34 on the reading part of the ACT surely is much stronger than a 680 critical reading score on the SAT.</p>

<p>Also… when it comes to ec’s and we all know their value especially if their meaningful… how are non-recruited athletes looked at? 3 sport athlete, 2 sport captain. The thing is, there is not a lot of spare time for clubs and other stuff when you consider the time constraints of practices, games and of course, pretty much the hardest curriculum (except in math where it’s AP Calc AB (not BC)</p>

<p>Not asking if S is worthy of applying… I am asking for advice on how to help him approach the application in an effort to put his best foot forward for the most interest in his application.</p>

<p>From web site: </p>



<p>And while it should read “… results from three tests” – do they really mean it?</p>

<p>Let me just say that Modadunn’s post is nearly the exact opposite of what this thread is all about, and it kinda killed this thread.</p>

<p>Modadunn: make your own thread.</p>

<p>This thread should end. </p>

<p>I have made it quite clear that I am not a fan of “Chances” threads and that I will not post on such threads … nor do I ever really even read them. </p>

<p>With that said, they seem to be a huge part of College Confidential and they are never going away. It is just a waste to rail against them. If you don’t care for “Chances” threads then don’t read them. </p>

<p>This whole thing reminds me of what I find to be an amazing phenomenon with humans … Did you know that a large contigent of listeners to radio shows like Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh are people who loathe the shows and the content? Then why are these listening … they are all tuning in so that they complain constantly. Why spend your precious time with things that anger you? I can’t stand cable news networks, I can’t stand all reality shows on MTV, and I can’t stand Sex and the City … so you know what I do, I don’t tune in.</p>

<p>(OK, I know that is a strange rant. My central point is, if you don’t care for chances threads don’t look at them. But for those who find them to be helpful, let them be.)</p>