WHEN and HOW to Thank Recommenders?

<p>I'm clueless about this. Hehe... your choices are the following:</p>

a) after the teacher writes the recommendation
b) after the teacher sends in the recommendation to your first school
c) after the teacher sends in the recommendation to all of your schools
d) after you have received a decision from your first school
e) after you have received a decision from all schools
f) other</p>

a) thank-you card
b) thank you card & gift -- flowers? chocolates? I don't know -- help me? :/
c) other</p>

After the teacher sends in the recommendation.</p>

Thank-you note.</p>

<p>I say after the teacher sends the recommendation you can write a thank you card but gifts seem too much</p>

<p>although I said “thank u” after knowing the teachers have completed the letters and sent them to colleges, I think I may leave my thank u note in their mailbox after college things are done :D</p>

<p>I gave my counselor and teacher bottles of pear vinegar after they sent in the recs.</p>

<p>I’ve heard somewhere that some people give souveniers from their destination college when they return from break</p>

<p>give a small gift with thank you card like 2-3 weeks after you ask them. If they haven’t written them already, it might make them feel “guilty”</p>