When are we notified?

<p>I wonder if we should also check the classified section in our local newspaper… :)</p>

<p>Lol, erika, do you mean that message members of “WashU Class of 2013” got? Lol, because I joined that group for the “bear buddies” program, but have not been accepted yet. I think that orientation coordinator just sent it out to all members…</p>

<p>but, if you heard a different way please enlighten us! :D! Also, if you know that receiving this message means you’re in, that means I’m in too! haha, I can hope…</p>

<p>Important question (regarding my last post)! I talked to erika and she thinks that she (as well as I) are into WashU because we got a message from this fellow named “Pat” who is a junior at WashU and some freshman orientation coordinator. He sent a message basically congratulating us on our acceptances and explaining that he will be sending us information via facebook concerning WashU life and academics for freshmen. </p>

<p>Erika seems to think that this is an acceptance and this student only sent this to people who have been accepted, but that seems kind of strange to me. I have sent a message to this guy and will check if he’s replied when I get home. If anyone else joined the group for bear buddies and has gotten this message too (applied RD) please let us know because Erika has really got my hopes up and, though I think it may have been sent to everyone in the group, it could be something more. I dunno. !!</p>

<p>yeah, if anyone else got this same message, please let us know. i mean, the message sure SOUNDS like an acceptance. i’ll post it here to get second opinions, but now i’m scared that i may have prematurely jumped to conclusions o_0 i’ll go dig myself into a hole now…</p>

<p>Incoming Class of 2013</p>

<p>Welcome and congratulations on being accepted to Washington University in Saint Louis! We are all very excited for you and can not wait to meet you when you get here.</p>

<p>My name is Pat Book and I am the Freshman Initiative Coordinator of the Orientation Executive Board here at school. I know that’s a mouthful but let me explain. The Office of Orientation will be your key to getting acclimated with the campus as well as Saint Louis during your transition into college. My position on the board is particularly focused on providing social and cultural programs and opportunities for freshmen. Last year, students told us that they appreciated getting information about WU ahead of time via Facebook so, once a month between now and when you arrive on campus, I will be providing you with pertinent information that you may need along the way. </p>

<p>So a bit about myself. I am currently a junior in the business school studying marketing as well as operations and human resources. I am from Saint Louis and have lived here all of my life. I am a huge Saint Louis Cardinals baseball fan and love being involved here on campus at WU. Hopefully, over the next few months I will get a chance to get to know a lot of you until I officially meet you this coming August. </p>

<p>So, now that I’ve explained why you’re receiving messages, I want to leave you with some information that you may find useful. Listed below are links to a number of important websites that you may want to begin to explore. Feel free to check them out over the next few weeks as you begin to get excited to join us here at WU (if you haven’t started already)!</p>

<p>Congratulations once again.</p>

<p>Pat Book</p>

<p>Our official website…
Office of Orientation – [Orientation</a> at Washington University in St. Louis](<a href=“http://orientation.wustl.edu%5DOrientation”>http://orientation.wustl.edu)</p>

<p>And check out…
WULife – [:::</a> WULife | Your one-stop shop for undergraduate WU :::](<a href=“http://wulife.wustl.edu%5D:::”>http://wulife.wustl.edu)
Explore STL – [St</a>. Louis, MO: Official Travel Information](<a href=“http://www.explorestlouis.com%5DSt”>http://www.explorestlouis.com)</p>

<p>Yeah, I got that. They just sent it to everyone in the Washington University 2013 group on Facebook. I would not assume it to be an offer of admission. I think they just assumed that everyone in a group for the class had already been accepted early decision. Again, I would not take it as meaning acceptance.</p>

<p>Don’t know about this situation, but sending admissions decision via facebook is not the normal method of operation at WashU. I would take anything like this with a “big grain of salt”.</p>

<p>yeah - this message was sent out to the entire group, because the creator assumed that everyone in the group had already been accepted to washu (and that THAT’s why they’d joined the group), not realizing that some prospective students would join as well</p>

<p>Damn “Bear Buddies” OP, that’s what encouraged me to join the group! haha, jk, but, yeah, maybe it’s saying I will get an acceptance soon… :).</p>

<p>damn i seriously go to every single school’s forum that I applied to everyday…I hate this wait…beh</p>

<p>tsh- story of my life. the wait is unbearable!</p>

<p>Okay, so I talked to this student named Pat (who sent out the message) and asked him a few questions that he said he will ask admissions today and get back to me by tonight! I basically asked what a lot of people on here seem to be asking, scholarship notifications and Multicultural Weekend invites. I’ll get back to you guys when I hear from him! </p>

<p>And, please, I’m on this website everyday, it is indeed ridiculous! Good luck to all though!</p>

<p><em>sighs</em> wow. well, now i feel like an idiot. but anyway, i’m glad we got that cleared up. <em>makes like an ostrich and sticks her head in a hole in the ground</em></p>

<p>Lol, I thought it was kind of funny that you got accepted via Facebook, I thought it would be a weird way to do it!</p>

<p>yeah, now that i think about it, I just feel really stupid. I guess I’ve been so anxious for an acceptance letter that I didn’t think twice about being notified via Facebook. But I’m not gonna lie, it’s pretty funny.</p>

<p>I was seriously laughing the first time that I read this because I so called that you got that message from Pat! haha.</p>

<p>Hm… It’s either end of this month or March 1 (online). Hold on guys.</p>

<p>Helen- Are you sure?
We would be able to see the decisions on-line this soon?

<p>helen_mes - where did you hear that? that seems surprisingly early!</p>

<p>At least the sholarship desicions should be available in the beginning of March. And if you are a finalist for that - it’s an unnofficial acceptance.</p>

<p>Only the scholarship notifications take place at the end of February. RD decisions are not available at that time.</p>