<p>I was called today and notified that I am a Finalist. For my specific program, there were 800 applicants and 8 were chosen as finalists. Good luck to everyone and i hope to see you guys there at Finalist weekend!</p>
<p>Same goes for me as omgitsover9000. Mine is the Danforth, and I don’t know how many applied, but there are 39 finalists. Cant wait to see everybody in late March!</p>
<p>^ Eff my life. That means I didn’t get it, if you got called :(:(:(:(:(</p>
<p>congrats omg and newprov!
does anyone know whether the University Scholars Program results have been announced? how many finalists are there per year?
also, is the USP finalist weekend at the same time as the academic scholarships one?</p>
<p>well it takes time to call that many ppl, and i would bet that not every program leader calls at the same time on the same day. plus, it takes time to call all the finalists.</p>
<p><em>sigh</em> maybe lol. I am dying in anticipation haha</p>
<p>what time did you guys get called today? and anyone know if Ervin or Rodriguez have called out yet?</p>
<p>i got it about 5:00 pm EST… and i have no idea about Ervin or Rodriquez sorry</p>
<p>about 3:50 pm CST</p>
<p>I got called at 4:45 EST…for Danforth…</p>
<p>^ eff. That means they must be all done. That was 2 hours ago.</p>
<p>Danforth jumped the gun a bit this year. Each program coordinator has the option of choosing notification time. I doubt that they will be able to contact everyone today, it usually takes more than one day. All other programs will notify within the next few days. Good luck to everyone.</p>
<p>I got a call last night at about 8 PM for Ervin</p>
<p>Question (again, sorry): are they notifying all finalists/semi-finalists (?) via phone for any scholarship (including college specific ones, like engineering) or just this Danforth scholarship?</p>
<p>See post #72 above.</p>
<p>Hello ST2,</p>
<p>Could you tell me one’s chance of receiving a scholarship for Moog if he or she has been named a Finalist and attends the interview weekend? Thank you very much!</p>
<p>Not up to date on Moog numbers this year - but it is certainly worth a shot. Just remember that from now on, it is all about how you handle yourself during Scholars Interview weekend. relax, be yourself and enjoy the weekend and you will be fine. Besides, that is not really a fair question.</p>
<p>Thank you ST2! I am so honored and excited for the Scholars Interview weekend. I can’t wait to meet all the other fabulous people!!</p>
<p>On a slightly different note, do the 1/2 tuition scholarships go to people other than the Finalists, if it it within the extent of your knowledge? Thank you again!</p>
<p>Everyone that is awarded a merit scholarship (1/2 or full) will be invited to the weekend.</p>
<p>During my phone call, I was told that there were 8 finalists invited; is it fair to assume that 4 will receive 1/2 scholarships while the other 4 will receive the full scholarship?</p>