<p>I am just wondering. Do we need to withdraw the apps in a week?</p>
<p>From CA ED agreement:</p>
<p>“If you are accepted under an early decision plan, you must promptly withdraw the applications submitted to other colleges and universities and make
no additional applications. If you are an Early Decision candidate and are seeking financial aid, you need not withdraw other applications until you have received
notification about financial aid.”</p>
<p>Rather vague.</p>
<p>Right now.</p>
<p>By the time you mail in your ED agreement and deposit, you should have mailed your letters withdrawing other applications. If you applied for financial aid, don’t mail the withdrawal letters and ED agreement/deposit until you’ve received and reviewed your FA awards from the ED school. Then send the stuff if you can afford the cost of attendance. If you don’t send the stuff, you give up your guaranteed seat – so don’t dally on this.</p>
<p>ASAP. It’s not that hard: Just e-mail them or call them.</p>