When do we hear for RD?

<p>No Worries :)</p>

<p>I think some decisions will come out today, others in the next week or two.</p>

<p>I have a feeling next Friday will be a big decision release day.</p>

<p>But if anyone on here does get a decision today please let us know!</p>

<p>i was told through my state rep that by next week admission decisions would be released</p>

<p>Just got my decision through myUM</p>

<p>I was waitlisted.</p>

<p>My final stats were:</p>

<p>3.7 GPA (3.62 UW) (3.9 jr year avg)
SAT: 1320/1600, 2030/2400
Rank 29/120 (also graduated with AP distinction and class honors.)
Rigorous courseload, almost most rigorous available.
Good Ecs and Good Recs</p>

<p>Overal disappointed and a bit surprized. I knew I was borderline but I thought I might just make it through. </p>

<p>I feel dumb for having not applied Early Decision, since I knew I wanted to go to UM. in ED I would have likely been admitted I think.</p>

<p>Guess I’ll accept my spot on the waitlist and hope for the best.</p>

<p>I do have to give zincwhiskers credit- he predicted waitlisted, and waitlisted it was :P</p>

<p>Sorry to hear that Jakey.</p>

<p>I’m somewhat surprised. By the looks of it you were a pretty strong applicant. Maybe a tad below the averages overall, but I would have guessed admitted. I’d imagine 2 years ago with the same stats you probably would have been admitted. Hope for the best though your still on the wait list.</p>

<p>@jakey54- same here buddy (although I applied ED). do we know if they’re doing the accepted for spring program this year? my letter just said the details of my “waitlist offer” will be coming in the mail. no clue what that means though.</p>

<p>UMdeferred- Yea I’m not sure I got the same letter it said I’ll be receiving the details in the mail. I guess we’ll have to wait and see : /</p>

<p>DD was waitlisted too, similar stats to Jakey54, 3.6 weighted GPA, 1360/2050 SAT, rigorous schedule at a competitive school, good ECs and recommendations (at least good enough to get her into UF, which seems to think a lot of “leadership”). Also her father and I, and 2 grandparents went to UM. UM was probably not her first choice, as she really didn’t want to stay in Miami, and we really didn’t want to spend that much. It is her only rejection out of 12 schools to which she applied, including 3 highly competitive ones. I guess it will make me feel less bad if she ends up a Gator. Sure shocks the heck out of me because my daughter is a way better student than either my husband or I were when we went!</p>

<p>As I said earlier, her friend whose dad is a professor there got rejected a few days ago, so I guess I feel worse for them!</p>

<p>Btw, the letter stated: “At this time, the Committee has offered admission to the appropriate number of applicants we believe is necessary to fill our freshman class.”</p>

<p>This would seem to imply that they’re done. So y’all check your statuses.</p>

<p>Do they outright reject people, or is the waitlist a drawn-out rejection?</p>

<p>Mine has not yet been updated. It only has the admission documents received link.</p>

<p>Jakey I’m not shocked you got rejected but I am a bit surprised. Your SAT was certainly on par. Your GPA/class rank were a bit low but not shockingly low and wouldn’t have ruled you out. Overall I would say you were just a bit below the average for UM and I would have imagined you were admissible. </p>

<p>It does show how competitive UM is getting. Even from year to year the standards are noticeably raised. Last year’s acceptance rate was 38% this year it’s probably in the 35-37 range. UM is verging on only accepting 1/3 applicants.</p>

<p>Good luck on the waitlist, all 3 of you guys (Pparent’s daughter, umdeferred, and jakey)</p>

<p>@proudparent2- You may want to be a bit more sensitive to those who just got the news (myself included). Your daughter wasn’t “rejected” yet. No one who received negative news is happy about it or necessarily feels better or worse for anyone else in these situations. What they meant in their letter, which I also received, is that they offered all of their acceptances to all of the kids they could at the moment, and we have to wait to see who out of that group ends up enrolling before they go back to the waitlist. It in no way means that they’re done. We don’t even know if they’re continuing the spring admittance program they’ve been doing for the past few years because that information is supposed to come in the mail, unless your daughter received a different message. Please, for my sake at least, stay positive!</p>

<p>Proudparent, is your D going to accept the waitlist spot? </p>

<p>I’m going to once the snail mail instructions come.</p>

<p>And that is pretty unfortunate that a professors child was not accepted. I hope that student was not too upset about it! </p>

<p>I’m pretty surprised the waitlist letter didn’t include the whole “We had the most competitive class in history and couldn’t admit many students we would have liked to” spiel. Maybe that’s just for rejections though.</p>

<p>Huh? Wasn’t trying to be insensitive. As I said in my post, I took the waitlist as a rejection . . . possibly because when I applied to law school at UM umpteen years ago (after completing my undergrad at UM), I was waitlisted and never came off the waitlist. Maybe you could get mad at the people who were accepted rather than those of us who are licking our wounds because we supported our alma mater for 20 years only to get kicked in the teeth.</p>

<p>As far as done, I meant done for now, as in everyone’s decision is probably posted (in some cases, the decision being to waitlist). But, since dhar says theirs hasn’t updated, I guess not.</p>

<p>Jakey, I guess so, though as I said, she will probably go to UF. I guess we’ll know better once we can figure out how many people got waitlisted.</p>

<p>Waitlisted. That’s rough, I really wanted to go to the U. Hopefully I can convince them otherwise (like the person said with a letter :wink: hahaha). Best of luck to you all!</p>

<p>How did you guys learn that your myUM was updated? Did you receive an email notifying you?</p>

<p>rmg- No I just checked my myUM of my own accord.</p>

<p>It seems like they may have just released waitlist decisions.</p>

<p>@UMdeffered17 my niece was waitlisted for the fall and accepted for Spring. They offered her to go take credits at another University for this fall semester and they would transfer the credits for the Spring.</p>

<p>I feel like for waitlisted students getting in for Fall is pretty much out of the question. There’s a chance for spring admission though.</p>

<p>How do you know if you are accepted for spring and waitlisted for Fall?</p>

<p>i didnt get any decision :(</p>

<p>falco, in a month or two they will offer some students on the waitlist an option of spring admission. It is possible that a few waitlisted students may be offered Fall admission, but it’s very limited.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t be worried if you didnt get a decision yet. It’s still pretty early. It might mean you are in a batch of acceptances ;)</p>