When do we hear for RD?

<p>hopefully… :D</p>

<p>To the others who were waitlisted, is this the letter you got?:</p>

<p>"The Admission Committee has completed a full review of all freshman applicants for the fall class. At this time, the Committee has offered admission to the appropriate number of applicants we believe is necessary to fill our freshman class.</p>

<p>You have been selected to be placed on our waitlist for the Fall 2013 term. We have sent you a letter via regular mail that contains specific details about your waitlist offer. If you wish to remain on the waitlist and continue to be considered for openings in the fall freshman class, it is important to respond to the offer in a timely manner. When you receive our letter, please read it carefully and follow the instructions.</p>

<p>Should vacancies occur in the freshman class, we will notify you as soon as possible. In the past some students have been removed from the waitlist and admitted to the freshman class. However, in other years, we were unable to offer any students admission from the waitlist. Unfortunately, we are not able to predict in advance whether we will be selecting applicants from the waitlist this year.</p>

<p>We appreciate your interest in the University of Miami.</p>


<p>Yes, same exact thing. I’m gonna call and ask why I got waitlisted then write a letter about intent of enrolling and why it’s my top choice and best fit for me.</p>

<p>Just found out I was wait listed. Not too upset though because even if I did get accepted, I wouldn’t have gotten any scholarships. In my opinion, a UM education is not worth the > $60,000 in tuition and fees, which is most likely going to keep rising in my undergrad years.</p>

<p>I was waitlist as well…what are the odds this will be an acceptance?</p>


<p>Sounds like a lot of people got waitlisted… It dosen’t sound very reassuring that many people will get in from the waitlist.</p>

<p>I don’t have any decision on my portal. It just says that my application is currently in the admissions committee.</p>

<p>Yes, the same, Jakey.</p>

<p>Did most people who got waitlisted apply EA/ED and get deferred or did you just apply RD?</p>

<p>Sort of agree with Garbby about the scholarship – it’s a stretch without one, and with the stats I’m seeing on the waitlist here, I bet people got offered serious money from other schools.</p>

<p>It appears from past years posts that although it isn’t stated on the portal, once your wait list letter is received, you may have a Spring admissions option? Anyone hear that the actually letter may offer Spring?</p>

<p>collegeiscrazy- Yes I know that UM does tend to be offer spring admission pretty liberally. I think some of the waitlist letters that are going out to everyone by mail may already offer students spring admission, while others may just be letters offering students a spot on the waitlist. Some letters may also be offering students the DC program where they do their fall semester in DC before transferring to Miami in the Spring.</p>

<p>UM was my top choice but if I did get in it would be tough to justify because I’ve gotten a good amount of money from most of my other schools. Even got some from Boston University and Tulane, which are generally considered as good as Umiami. </p>

<p>I’ll wait and see though!</p>

<p>Wow I got wait listed. Didn’t see that one coming. </p>

<p>I’ve already been admitted to NYU and UCSD so I guess Umiami is really becoming very selective these days.</p>

<p>Lame… : (</p>

<p>@ jakey54 Did you or anyone here get a spring admission on the portal? Just curious if my letter will offer it since my UM portal didnt mention that as an option</p>

<p>No, in the portal there was no mention of spring admission. </p>

<p>However, it did say “respond in a timely matter and follow the instructions carefully.” Not totally sure what that means but it sounds like theres a bit more to it than simply accepting a spot on a waitlist.</p>

<p>Don’t know though.</p>

<p>Guess I’ll find out when I get the letter by mail.</p>

<p>Has anyone been rejected or accepted yet?</p>

<p>I hope letter comes today, but I was waitlisted at Clemson and the letter profided a link to put yourself on waitlist or completely withdraw app. Im assuming this is similar. When I called Clemson they did offer a spring admission.</p>

<p>Hey guys, freaking out a little because I haven’t heard AT ALL from UMiami. Should I be worried? Am I just waiting for a rejection letter at this point???</p>

<p>official decisions arent really expected to be released until April 15th dont worry</p>

<p>Caxy, it seemed like they just put up waitlists yesterday, so if you didn’t hear, it seems to mean you just didn’t get a waitlist. I haven’t heard anything about anyone being accepted yesterday, either here or on Facebook (Since we live in Miami, I have a lot of friends whose children were applying to UM). So maybe there are still acceptances in the offing.</p>

<p>@proudparent2 have you heard of anyone ever getting waitlisted without a spring admission option?</p>

<p>Collegeiscrazy, our letter (online) said nothing about spring admission. I think people are just speculating based upon some people getting offered spring admission. Since we are in Miami, we may get the physical letter today, and then, I will know more. We should definitely get it by Monday, I’d think.</p>

<p>Btw, I see you got waitlisted both here and Clemson. My daughter got into Clemson, but she’s definitely not going. So maybe you’ll get her slot. Also, I think it is interesting that Clemson is offering spring admission to waitlisted candidates because they have had the reputation of doing kind of cheater-ish things to make their stats look better, including offering a lot of candidates (instate) what is called the “Bridge to Clemson” program, where they attend a local community college for a year and then definitely get in to Clemson as sophomores. In this way, they can take the slightly weaker candidates while still making themselves look like they’ve taken nothing but top 10% candidates with 2000+ SATs (My daughter is not in the top 10%, but she does have pretty high SATs – for Clemson if not for Miami). Offering spring admission to people they really want, but whose stats aren’t as perfect, would seem to be another way of scamming the system. If UM is doing that too, maybe that explains their meteoric rise in the US News rankings. Anyway, I guess I’m saying that, if Clemson offered you spring admission, they probably really want you but there was just something about your stats that they didn’t want US News to know about. I have not seen anyone at all on the Clemson board here talking about an offer of spring admission, so maybe it’s unusual.</p>

<p>I will report what DD’s actual letter says about the waitlist. Of course, it might be different for different people.</p>