When do we hear for RD?

<p>Proudparent, </p>

<p>If you get the letter today would you mind sharing what it says?</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>Absolutely. Of course, if they did it as late yesterday as they posted it, then we won’t get it until Monday.</p>

<p>@proudparent2 I thought Clemson was my target and Miami was my reach. I never thought I’d find myself in this position but I would be happy with a spring admission to Miami it’s my top school</p>

<p>Yeah, Clemson was DD’s target, UF was a reach, and we thought she would likely only get into Miami as a legacy. So she was thrilled to get into UF (which is stronger in her major than Clemson) and getting wait listed at UM was sad but not unexpected. Spring at UM doesn’t seem bad. It’s not a huge Greek school, so missing rush wouldn’t be a big deal.</p>

<p>Nothing in today’s mail.</p>

<p>I have been rejected to UF sadly I would have liked to go there as well. I was accepted to FSU which was just too overwhelming for me. I wouldn’t mind the spring admission with the fall at American in DC because American was actually on my list. Spring admissions arent allowed to rush?</p>

<p>I had some friends who were on UMs waitlist over the last few years. As much as I wish it was, Spring admission is by no means a guarantee to anyone and everyone on the wait-list. In fact the majority of waitlisted students never hear back after accepting their spot on the waitlist. </p>

<p>I am hopeful though and it can and does happen.</p>

<p>@jakey54 I am just hopeful that those who were waitlisted got the same email. If we all got the same waitlist email there is hope a spring admission may be coming in the mail</p>

<p>sorry by email I mean UM portal message</p>

<p>btw does anyone know if the portal was unique for this year? A friend of mine remembers getting an email about being wait listed and then when letter came it offered her a spring option with fall at American. She doesnt recall going on a portal</p>

<p>Now if they do mention a Spring admission is it a guaranteed admission or is also something based on availability come Spring?</p>

<p>I think in previous years there was a direct link to accept your spot on the wait-list given in the portal message. </p>

<p>Although it seems we all got the same portal message, I think theres a chance there might be unique mailed messages. Some may get a spring offer, some may just be offered a spot on the waitlist. </p>

<p>It’s too bad tomorrow is Sunday I’m really wanting to recieve the mailed UM letter ASAP :P</p>

<p>ddahwan- I think if they mention it all this early it would be guaranteed for you. There is always some availability in the Spring so my guess would be they will give that option some people on the waitlist. Or they might simply just see who accepts waitlists offers first and then from there pick some of those people for Spring Admits.</p>

<p>Collegeiscrazy, no you can still rush in spring. Sorry if I was confusing. It’s just not as big a rush as in the fall, and they don’t take as many people. For guys, there is really no difference at all and for girls, the only problem would be if certain houses were at total (meaning the most they are allowed to take) after fall, they’d only be able to take a small number in spring. But honestly, UM is not a huge Greek campus. I live here, so I know it hasn’t changed that much since I was there. They don’t even have sorority houses. To me, spring would be not a big deal at all.</p>

<p>FSU is good too, though. What do you mean, overwhelming? Their student body is no bigger than UF, and their campus is smaller. My brother-in-law went to FSU and he swears that the smaller campus makes the whole place feel more homey than UF. I could see that.</p>

<p>I guess I just didn’t care much for Tallahassee. I’m from jersey so palm trees are a novelty. There wasn’t the same feel at FSU that I had at Miami. I’m just hoping I am offered a spring admission</p>

<p>^You may even be offered Fall admission. You never know!</p>

<p>I’d imagine they have some sort of waitlist ranking where the most qualified applicants are at the top of the waitlist.</p>

<p>Perhaps but Miami was a reach. My Gpa is 3.74w and 1840 on SAT. I come from a highly competitive hs where most are going to ivy</p>

<p>It’s frustrating because out if the 50+ that applied in my district, most used Miami as a safety. Common app made it too easy to apply for kicks and giggles</p>

<p>Collegeiscrazy, if your object is really to be in a warmer climate, I agree that FSU isn’t really it. Have you considered University of Central Florida, University of South Florida or Eckerd College? Those all have rolling admissions, so you could still apply. USF is in St. Pete so near the beach. UCF is an up-and-coming school, not really near the beach, but minutes from Disney. Eckerd is actually on the water and honestly, it looks like a country club. My daughter said she didn’t think she should go there because she would never get any work done, but it is beautiful and friends who have gone there just RAVE You have good enough stats to get in any of those places (unless they’ve stopped taking because of the late date) and to get a scholarship to Eckerd. They’re all decent schools down here, maybe a step below FSU but a lot of people prefer USF and UCF over FSU because, as you said, Tallahassee isn’t that great. The two state schools both have major college football.</p>

<p>Thank you proudparent I will look at those</p>


<p>I know how you feel. It is irritating to see other students applying to UM and getting in even though they have virtually no intention of actually going there. 1840 isn’t that low for UM but remember UM only looks at Cr + math. What were your scores in those?</p>

<p>On another note, I also preferred UCF over FSU. Tallahassee is not very appealing or that warm.</p>