When do we say goodbye?

<p>I'm just trying to coordinate the orientation schedules and figure out when we will say goodbye to our son. Friday night I would like to go out for one last family dinner and shopping trip for any forgotten items. Brothers will say goodbye at this point and then spend Sat and Sun at the hotel/beach. I'm not sure if H and I should say our goodbyes then or if we will see him Sat AM before parent orientation starts. I think once the Cane Kickoff starts, he should begin his new life and we shouldn't interfere. Any thoughts? </p>

<p>When we dropped S1 off at school two years ago there was a very defined time for goodbyes. I had a friend drop her S off at another school a few years back and with all the sessions they were each attending they didn't realize when the last time they would see him would be. As a result, they never got to say goodbye and she cried all the way home. It still gnaws at her.</p>

<p>1tcm-Can you share your experience and give any recommendations?</p>

<p>Glad to see someone posting again here! I will have a defined time to say goodbye - at the airport!</p>

<p>But if I remember the orientation schedule correctly, isn't the Cane Kickoff at like 6PM on Saturday? And since kids are still moving in on Saturday morning, I don't think there are parent sessions that morning....I think for H and S it will be different - less emotional and less of "a special moment" than if I were there....</p>

<p>I also figured they'd do the move-in Friday morning, run errands Friday afternoon if need be, perhaps with the roommate for joint purchases, and have dinner out. S has already made plans to "hang" with his roommate Friday night. Still, I have a feeling the two families (S and H; RM, RM's M and D, no sibs will be there) may end up going out together and then the boys will head off to do their thing. Saturday seemed pretty open - some activities but nothing required. But maybe I am not remembering correctly and the schedule is downstairs. </p>

<p>Now my S has a whole different idea of how things may unfold. He wants to get his Cane ID and go to the wellness center. He wants to meet as many people as possible as quickly as possible. I have a feeling he'll be chomping at the bit if he is running errands with H - indeed spending anymore time with H than absolutely necessary! They get along great but he is just so focused on getting there and starting his new life that even unpacking may take a second seat! I stressed to him that if he doesn't unpack he may live out of suitcases, and to organize his room, but who knows. I stressed to H that his job is to assist S however he needs it - putting together the wire cubbies, getting the stuff on hold at BB&B, running out for forgotten items. But how it actually unfolds will be up to them. As will when they say goodbye. I can't imagine them planning that, but before the Cane Kickoff sounds good, unless there is a reason to meet up on Sunday. When I took D to Grinnell some years back, just the two of us, there was a Parent/Student Hillel brunch on Sunday and we said goodbye after that. </p>

<p>Have a great trip! And wishes for a good year to your S.</p>

<p>Okay....here was our schedule. </p>

<p>Friday. We hit campus at 7:45 am. And we were not the first there by any means. But we did get parking, abeit in the far end of the temp lot. Son went and checked in while I stayed with car. He came back toting his key and one of the big rolling carts. It took us 3 trips back and forth between dorm and car to get stuff in, which with the walk and wait at the elevator took about an hour to an hour and a 1/2. He had an appointment with IT at 10 that morning, and they showed up a few minutes after. Set up his computer, taught him how to get on-line through Cane-net. All toll...another hour. During the time he was working with them, I started hanging up clothes and just general housekeeping for him. I knew he'd want to put most of his stuff away where he wanted it, but he was telling me where to put stuff anyway. By this time, his RA had come in, introduced himself....and since he was from IL he and son talked quite awhile about Illinois things. Next thing you know, he was headed off to get CaneCard, so he could go eat lunch with kids he was meeting already. I went off to Target. ARGH....nightmare! No available carts, no good parking and merchandise picked over merchandise, but I think I already told you all to go early. Anyway, we met back up at the UC. Needed to pick up parking permits and he wanted to open up his bank account. After talking to a couple of banks represented on campus that day he made his choice and he waited to open his account. This took awhile. Went back to dorm where roommate by that time was checking in. Met roommate and his parents, but decided it would be best for me to go and let the kids get a chance to do their room. Instead...I went on a rug/carpet search. Called and ask if carpet instead of rug was okay, of course he said yeah, so mom went on a carpet quest. Made the treck up to Home Depot and purchased said carpet. Called the boys on the way back though since I could no longer park in temp parking and had already made the walk from Ponce garage twice earlier and had them meet me so they could carry in the carpet. Okay...they take off with their carpet...I go park in ponce AGAIN....this time I caught the shuttle because by this time its 100 degrees in the shade. And I've decided that I was ready to spontaneously combust. By this time....it's early evening....Mom is hungry and exhausted and he's getting cranky himself. So I split. Back to hotel, a cool shower, and a good stiff drink. LOL. </p>

<p>Saturday morning it was back up.....back to ponce (although I walked to Stanford the first time). At 9:00 am I find their still asleep, apparently they started at floor one and walked ever floor that night and by this time they had met over 1/2 the kids in Rosborough and Walsh towers....Apparently they had a blast....but must of been 3 am or so for they went to sleep (if that?) LOL Okay....so he decides yea he'll go with mom back to Target for those things that they were out of yesterday since mom has agreed to pay for. <em>mom rolls eyes</em>. Back to ponce AGAIN...we ride shuttle this time...no way he's walking carrying all the bags. Mom says "later" this time and happily goes off to parents orientation with roomies parents all the while leaving the boys neck deep in dorm mess and chaos. Serves em right for partying all night and not putting stuff away. LOL I come back and tell him adios and that I will drop by next morning on way home to say final good-bye. Receive phone call at 8:00 pm that night at hotel to find we've completely forgotten grocieries....How could I leave without filling the frig? So they place an order with the knowledge that mom will do this once and only once. </p>

<p>Sunday it's up early and to the Publix where I've been instructed to purchase soft drinks (they've already learned it's a pain to have to go down to the vending machines) and every imaginable kind of junk food. This I do....(I'm such a nice mom..LOL). Back to ponce.....AGAIN....but how do I carry all this stuff. Sorry UM...but I went to closest lot and parked. Called em down from my cell phone and said if you want it..come and get it. Here they come...after all food calls...but you could tell they were just getting up after Cane Kickoff. Thanks mom but your done. Goodbye. I thought I'd cry, but not a tear shed. I was too tired! And you could tell he had grown up over-night and no longer needed me. (p.s....I cried later that night when it finally sunk in.) :) </p>

<p>I skipped the Brunch on Sunday because it is for parents only...the kids will be busy with their own stuff by this time. So I'd say if you go to the brunch you should say goodbye prior to that. The kids program starts at 9:30 that Sunday morning.....</p>

<p>Best of luck all....I'm waiting impatiently to hear all your stories! :)</p>

<p>I am so glad to see this post and to realize that I'm not the only one who is trying to figure it out! has anyone looked at/read the book they sent us yet?</p>

<p>1tcm-I knew I could count on you. You have me rolling on the floor. I just had to call H and read your post to him and let him know what we are in for. I see many trips in and out of Ponce in our future.:) We are forever running out for one more thing.</p>

<p>T-1 1/2 days till takeoff and S has still not thought about packing one thing. Apparently like Cher, he is on his never ending farewell tour. LOL I'm starting to believe that this seemingly intelligent child really thinks that all he needs is t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops!</p>

<p>Wish- The thought of my H and S alone in a BB&B is too funny to imagine. I bet they will have a ball together.</p>

<p>M3S - Well, all they have to do is pick up what's going to be on hold and pay for it. H is under strict instructions to not second guess the choices S made when he went there with me. And to use every coupon! S is actually a very good shopper, having worked at an upscale department store for two summers and being someone who knows the value of stuff and likes to find a bargain. H may be a bit of a fish out of water but I can count on S to get him through! </p>

<p>1tcm - with all the whining I've heard around here about S not getting into a freshman dorm, I am thinking that an Eaton move-in will be much easier! </p>

<p>Kids are funny. S has been setting stuff aside and we packed the first duffel last night. But his priorities are quite different from mine. On his list of what to do first is "try to get FSU tickets." I guess there must be a big game coming up at FSU. Is there a road trip in his future? I am a bit worried that between all the things he wants to do and H's more cavalier attitude, that little will get unpacked.... Well,I guess I need something to worry about once the house is quiet.</p>

<p>wish....just think of it this way....if he does score FSU tickets, he can make a bundle! LOL. First game of the season is at FSU this year. They usually do a trip, tickets, transportation, and lodging but it is usually done by lottery I believe. Son has never been able to get tickets for away football games for the Canes. He has however gotten World Series Tickets, playoff basketball tickets, Dolphins tickets and just about every other sporting event available down in Miami. :) </p>

<p>Let em pack what they want...and yes...99.9% of all they'll need is shorts, t-shirts and flip flops. Son got rid of every coat he owned. But to tell the truth...he did buy one sweatshirt (CANES of course) for cool days but says that is all he's ever worn when it gets chilly. (60's). Just be forwarned...that when they come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas and it's cold there at your home...they will freeze! Their blood thins to Floridian in about 4 weeks. :D</p>

<p>1tcm - will pass along your very timely comments to Wish-son. Just in time - I counted 6 jackets/sweatshirts on the pack pile and said mildly, "Hmm, do you think you need so many?" I do think one warm thing is useful as when he travels home, he could find himself stuck in Chicago or someplace cold, and he may find himself visiting a friend up north for Thanksgiving. But a fleece, down jacket, Columbia sportwear jacket to go over a fleece or wear alone, and 3 sweatshirts - seems a bit much.... </p>

<p>When you add in school supplies and computer stuff, and an amazing array of sports equipment, balls and clothing, I have a feeling I'll be shipping some of the "don't need immediately" stuff UPS!</p>

<p>S told me that there is apparently not a formal trip to FSU. The tix were released in July and S is hoping there might be some available. Wishful thinking, to my mind. But what do I know?</p>

<p>We're off! Good luck to everyone for a great year.</p>

<p>Any suggestions for good restaurants for the last supper on Friday evening?</p>

<p>Not sure if this qualifies as a "good restaurant," but I went into this place without my glasses a few weeks ago. I asked the bartender for a recommendation (I couldn't read the menu :( and the kids were still window shopping outside). She asked if I was really hungry and when I replied that I was, she said "get the burger, you won't be sorry." Maybe I was just starving, but I think it was the best burger I've ever had!</p>

<p><a href="http://www.tarponbend.com/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.tarponbend.com/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Location: Mirace Mile, just south of Douglas on the west side of the street</p>

<p>The CheeseCake Factory at the Grove is good. I also hear Opa is good on South Beach but have never personally been there.</p>

<p>Hi everyone-It is HOT, HOT, HOT! Yesterday's heat index was 108. Ocean temp-89. We're having a great time.</p>

<p>Stores around the school seem very well stocked, except don't go to Sears for a fridge/micro. They are out of almost all models. Best Buy at Dadeland Station had a great selection at very good prices. We got both the 4.4 cu ft fridge and .7 cu ft micro for a total of $175 and they are going to hold it until the end of the week for us. Their selection of printers wasn't good-we'll be looking elsewhere. I think one more shopping trip should do it for us.</p>

<p>I let you all know if i come across any more tips. Have a great trip down.</p>

<p>Thanks, M3S - I emailed your tips to H who will be flying in at the end of a conference to meet S's plane on Thursday.</p>

<p>Here we are doing final errands, doc appts., and packing. </p>

<p>Have fun and good luck to your S!</p>

<p>Both H and S have arrived - separately - safe and sound. They met up at the airport. Main problem today was that the scene at BB&B was pretty disorganized. According to H, they mixed up our order with another one, and when it finally came out it was missing an item. Took a long time to resolve, during which they did a Target run. But in the end they got what S had picked out here, and they accepted all of my coupons. Now H is wondering if he can get everything in the rental car in one trip. </p>

<p>After all the angst about dorms, S decided to hold off on requesting a room change, after he talked with some kids at Eaton who convinced him how lucky he is to be there. While on campus, S got his Canecard and was at the wellness center working out when I spoke to H. S also talked to some kids about his interview for a Miami Commitment job at the wellness center, which H said gave him useful, "inside" info. S is hoping to change his job assignment from one wellness thing to another.... </p>

<p>Big day tomorrow. Good luck to all moving in!</p>