<p>Just got letter of acceptance. Does Honors info come later? Any idea when?
<p>Last year I got mine about a week and a half after my acceptance letter.</p>
<p>My d didn't wait for the invite, she requested the application from the honors college (she called and they sent it to her). She sent it in as soon as she got her acceptance from UCF (end of Sept.). She got her acceptance from the honors college by the end of November.</p>
<p>I did the same, but in the end received two applications in the mail only a few days apart from each other.</p>
<p>Yeah, I didn't know the honors program existed when I applied for UCF, so...</p>
<p>But I'd say wait a week or two before requesting so there aren't duplicates.</p>
<p>It came 3 days after the acceptance and it is mailed off. Thanks for the heads' up!</p>