When is Honors Bama Bound?

<p>I saw a post that mentioned there is a Bama Bound specifically for Honors.
When does that occur?

<p>Watch this space: <a href=“http://orientation.ua.edu/”>http://orientation.ua.edu/&lt;/a&gt;
Fall 2015 dates will be posted in February 2015.</p>

There are several honors Bama Bound sessions during the summer so you don’t have to worry about getting a spot.</p>

<p>There are usually at least 4 honors Bama Bounds. </p>

<p>Also - There are Honors students at EVERY Bama Bound, FYI.</p>

<p>Typically, there are two the week of Memorial Day and then one mid-July. </p>


Yes…the ones around Memorial Day may both end up in May since Memorial Day is the 25th.

There should also be a One Day BB that is about mid-May…and then another one in July.

So, there should be at least 4…but there will be honors students at all BBs.

I do think that parents/students should contact Admissions to make one of the late May BB’s into a late June BB. Now that Bama has so many kids coming from states that do not graduate until mid June. Having just one honors BB after those early ones just doesn’t accommodate the needs of so many OOS honors students.