Bama bound question

<p>[Dates</a> - Bama Bound Orientation - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Dates”></p>

<p>the dates for honors are quite early…i mean ill still be in school at that time! if i choose to go to one of those, ill have to miss graduation! besides it seems strange to have an “orientation” session so long before the summer ends…</p>

<p>any suggestions?</p>

<p>Siglio, the reason why those dates are “so early” is because most school districts in the South begin school in early to mid August and have graduation in mid May; my D graduated on May 23rd last year. </p>

<p>You can certainly wait to go to Bama Bound in August & do it on the same trip when you’re moving in.</p>

<p>We’re in a similar situation. I hate to have D miss anything, (chance to meet future roommates, and early selection of classes etc) But I hate to spend the money for another trip down (we are OOS) and especially so early in the spring/summer. Would she be missing a lot by going to a one day non-honors session just before school starts? I don’t think she has to take any placement tests except the language if she wants. The last session is Aug 17th or something? Do those early, or super late spots fill up pretty fast?</p>

My S is in the same boat, he doesn’t graduate until the first week of August and they have a lot happening that he doesn’t want to miss the last 2-3 weeks. I think he will go to the first 'bama bound after graduation. That way he can start working somewhere thereafter. It would have been nice to go to one of the early honors, but they are just too early for him.</p>

<p>Depending on when the events surrounding your graduation are scheduled, it may be possible to attend one of the earlier sessions. After getting confirmation that I wouldn’t be missing any finals, projects, or graduation-related events, I was able to attend one of the May sessions even though I didn’t graduate until June. The way it worked out, I only missed two days of school and arrived home the night before my school’s senior prom.</p>

<p>I’m quite sure that you can change the date of your Bama Bound session if needed. In my experience, it is some of the earlier non-honors sessions that fill up quicker. If the cost of travelling to Bama Bound would be prohibitive for the student, I’m sure that UA would find space for them in the final Bama Bound session.</p>

<p>From someone who was in the same boat last year - yes I was totally stressed out.</p>

<p>We couldn’t do the Honors BB sessions, being OOS (CA) we have to calculate 1 day each way for travel, here May is AP/IB exam month, finals … We went to a session in June - no problem getting courses (earlier chem time but no big deal). I was able to pick session with best airfare option and S was relaxed with nothing hanging over his head. He did meet a couple of honors students BUT also got to meet non-honors students. </p>

<p>I know of one student who did the last BB session in August and she was able to get all her classes. </p>

<p>Choose what works for you, be flexible and RTR.</p>

<p>We are from Calif and since we flew to Bama during our spring break, and graduation wasn’t until mid June, we opted for Kari to do that last orientation session around August 12th right after Alabama Action and right before orientation week started. She mostly got all the classes she wanted, maybe not the times she wanted though.</p>

<p>*he doesn’t graduate until the first week of August *</p>

<p>August graduation? Wow!</p>

<p>My sons school won’t set the graduation date until sometime in April but they say it won’t be until around Fathers Day so we are rolling the dice and booked the first 2 day honors Bama Bound the runs May 31 and June 1st.</p>

<p>Thinking if we can’t get good prices on flights we will have a 3 day weekend before we all (also doing parent and sibling orientation) have to be there so we can take our time driving down if need be.</p>

<p>My brain is going, I meant the first week of June. I signed him up for Freshman 5. The stupid senior trip makes anything else impossible with prom & graduation as well. Have I mentioned I’m not too fond of the senior trip :wink:
Unfortunately times are very important to S, since he is nightowl.</p>

<p>is their any difference between the final session and the regular sessions? i am asking this because it seems that the final session is not a “follow up”…that is, you can pick it in lieu of the other sessions</p>

<p>dd did the " final" session</p>

<p>Idinct: My son was also in the same position last year, lots of late year school activities, prom, awards nights, and a late graduation (in his case-end of June). We scheduled for the first 2 day honors Bama Bound, so that we had that completed before most of the Senior year activities. It was a big relief to know that once Senior year was finished, he had nothing other than his summer job to contend with. A late Bama Bound would also have conflicted with his job. It also gave him more time to correspond with the people he had met and begin friendships.</p>

<p>Unfortunately first honors is over prom and second is over trip. So, not much choice here. He picked Fr 5 which is the first 2 days of his summer vacation, so when he starts working he can just start 2 days late. </p>

<p>fyi everyone - thanks to the info here I knew he could stay in the dorm the night prior. The night prior and night after is an option when you register.
I would like to go, but cost is just prohibitive. I am hoping I can learn whatever I miss from you guys on this board :)</p>

<p>im still deciding between the late july ones and the final one…the final session would fit my schedule best, but it seems purposely shortened. also, it’s the *final one, so if i miss it, it wont be good at all…</p>

<p>I’m kind of confused, do we actually sleep in a dorm one night at bama bound???</p>

<p>Yes! two if you need to come in the night before :)</p>

<p>Awesome!!! :-D</p>

<p>My brain is going, I meant the first week of June.</p>

<p>I thought August sounded a bit odd. LOL</p>

<p>I’ve paid my enrollment deposit for the sake of housing, but I’m not sure whether I’m attending Bama yet…should I sign up for Bama Bound now or wait till I’ve made a final decision (which probably won’t be until late April)?</p>