I realize that it’s an 8 week course but what do you guys think? Early 1st semester? Late?
it depends. I think for most inexperienced freshman, first 8 weeks of second semester is good. Second choice would be second 8 weeks of first semester. I wouldn’t take it first 8 weeks of first semester assuming you’ll have some adjustment issues. I would also not take it with your toughest math class, finite or calc.
If you have some HS accounting it probably wouldn’t matter.
I took it in the first 8 weeks of my first semester. I thought that was nice to get it over with and have some extra time when it was over. It doesn’t require much time outside of studying for exams, but you’ll probably need to spend 5-10 hours studying for each of the two exams in order to master the material. The tests are weird, but you are given more practice questions than you could possibly want. If you can do the practice tests without looking at the answers, you’ll do well on the real test because they are exactly the same.
Not ideal to take at same time as your math pre-reqs but doable. Give yourself time to adjust to college the first 8 weeks. Consider taking it second 8 weeks of first semester as it is known as a weed-out course for a reason. This gives you ample time to re-take it again in second semester. Remember that what are passing grades for IU are not necessarily passing grades for Kelley whether you are a Direct Admit or a Standard Admit. Many students take Finite online in the Summer through Ivy tech or program like that and also an Econ class Summer after freshman year. I understand that IU will be offering an online Finite Math class beginning this Summer as well.
My Daughter took it the second half of her first semester this year. She is a current Freshman. She also had Finite that semester. It wasn’t a problem for her. She had A’s in both classes. She was not one of the kids who struggled with Finite…not everybody does (which was my impression with all of the scary stories I read). She was a strong math student but actually found Finite “easy”…her words. She kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and it didn’t and she ended up with a class average that was over 100. I am saying this not to “show off” but to let people know that Finite isn’t a killer for everybody. She has not taken any classes online.
Take A100 your first semester, it is not that bad of a class. By Kelley accounting standards, A100 is easy money so get it out of the way right away.