<p>When it comes down to it, why do you think you were accepted? was it your essay? your extra curricululars? were you recruited? or are you a prodigy? or maybe it was just an intense love for your major that you want to pursue.</p>
<p>whatever it is, its your shot to tell the world. </p>
<p>bribery, then extortion ... desperation .... then sexual favors</p>
<p>... in the end they just really liked me ... a lot (jk)</p>
<li>good essays (got english teacher to check), research, awards, leadership, to tell you the truth I really don't know, sometimes it's just luck. A lot of really qualified people get rejected, in reality it just maybe first come first serve for each of the admissions counslers.</li>
<p>I applied to engineering. I had a great math-science background from a math-science magnet school. Awesome recommendations. Good test scores. Decent on the national mathematics tests. Essays that I didn't think were great, but I now realize they were very good.</p>
<p>I had an internship with a U.S. Representative as well. When I applied, I also had spent the past two summers with DaimlerChrysler. The first summer I spent in Germany, the second I was in the US/Canada. I was matched up with a German kid and we were almost like exchange partners for these two years. It was a pretty sweet thing and I talked it up as much as possible. Talked about how I saw everything in the manufacturing process from design to manufacturing to marketing, etc. DCX is obviously a huge company so I think this was a pretty big deal and probably what put me over the top.</p>
<p>-- cornell cooperative extension work/programs in my major field
-- essay was pretty good, I think
-- NYS resident applying to CALS (easier to get a GT)
-- displayed a great deal of interest in my field
-- AP classes/honors/awards</p>