When to apply?

Would it be better (as far as financial aid and merit scholarship opportunity) to apply as early as possible to a rolling admissions school like Alabama, or to wait until I take the ACT again in September? I currently have a 32 on the ACT, but I’m taking it again in September. Should I wait to apply in case my score goes up, or would applying earlier be more beneficial?

There is no reason to wait.

Thank you!

Did you take the writing section of your ACT? This is a UA requirement that often gets overlooked. The score is not counted as part of your overall ACT score but at least one ACT or SAT exam must include the writing section. Also it does not have to be on the same exam. For example, since you already scored a 32 on your ACT and if you did not take the writing section, if you did take the writing section on an SAT you submitted to UA you are good to go. Folks shooting for scholarships for 2016 please keep this in mind when taking you ACT / SAT exams!

All of my tests have been with writing, thank you for the warning though!

Apparently, the writing section is no longer required per this information located on this link:

Admission Requirements for Freshman Students

The University of Alabama employs a competitive admission process that includes reviewing and evaluating each application on an individual basis for an applicant’s abilities as a student and a scholar. Decisions about the potential for your academic success at UA are based on your performance on the ACT and/or SAT, your high-school grade point average, and your high-school course schedule. (For example: A student with a 21 ACT or 1000 SAT [critical reading and math scores only] along with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 should be successful at the University.)

The University of Alabama will accept current and redesigned SAT scores for admissions, scholarships and Honors College. Applicants may submit scores from either the current SAT or the redesigned SAT. A writing score is not required but can be reviewed if a student does not meet regular admissions standards as set forth by the ACT/SAT and GPA requirements.

We are looking for students who show a commitment to academics and who welcome the robust exchange of ideas that occurs within a diverse and inclusive learning environment. Typically, the number of applications received exceeds the number of spaces available in the freshman class.

In terms of educational preparation, the college preparatory curriculum minimum unit requirements for regular admissions are
:black_medium_small_square:4 units of English
:black_medium_small_square:4 units of social sciences, including world history or a comparable course
:black_medium_small_square:3 units of mathematics (must include algebra I, algebra II, and one unit of either geometry, trigonometry, or calculus)
:black_medium_small_square:3 units of natural sciences, including two courses with lab components
:black_medium_small_square:1 unit of foreign language
:black_medium_small_square:5 additional units of academic courses (We recommend courses in fine arts or computer literacy, with additional courses in mathematics, natural sciences, and foreign language.)

Students who exceed the minimum number of units in math, natural sciences, or foreign language will be given additional consideration.

The Advanced Academic Diploma awarded by Alabama high schools meets all University of Alabama course requirements.

The University of Alabama reserves the right to refuse admission or re-enrollment or to place conditions on admission or re-enrollment of applicants and former students who it determines represent a safety risk to University students, employees, and University property. Applicants have the right to appeal any such decision to the Undergraduate Admissions Advisory Committee within 7 business days of the date the notice was received.

Withholding information or giving false information may make you ineligible for admission to, or continuation at, the University. Therefore, by submitting this information, you certify that it is true, correct, and complete. Also, by submitting this application, you give permission for the University to obtain additional information from others pertinent to your record prior to attending the University

Personally, I would call and verify this as this seems to be new information.
Here is the Admissions office contact information:

Local: (205) 348-5666
Toll Free: 1-800-933-BAMA (2262)
Fax: (205) 348-9046

Mailing Address

The University of Alabama
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Box 870132
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0132

Go advice Robotbldmom to call and verify just to be sure. It may no longer be required for admission, but may still be needed for scholarships. I did notice on the scholarship page if did not reference the writing requirement so you may be correct that this is a new change for 2016. I know if was required for the class of 2015. I would definitely verify however!

Yes, I think that some of the webpages may not have been updated. Certainly call to verify, it doesn’t make sense if the admission’s page says that it’s not required and the scholarship page says that it was.

So how does Alabama know if you meet their minimum academic requirements:

:black_medium_small_square:4 units of English
:black_medium_small_square:4 units of social sciences, including world history or a comparable course
:black_medium_small_square:3 units of mathematics (must include algebra I, algebra II, and one unit of either geometry, trigonometry, or calculus)
:black_medium_small_square:3 units of natural sciences, including two courses with lab components
:black_medium_small_square:1 unit of foreign language
:black_medium_small_square:5 additional units of academic courses (We recommend courses in fine arts or computer literacy, with additional courses in mathematics, natural sciences, and foreign language.)

If they do not ask for anything in the admission process other than transcript and test scores?

Your transcript will show if all of the above requirements have been met, except the senior year classes. I am assuming that there will be a final transcript request in June but I don’t know for sure. Can anyone chime in?

Yes, you do need to send in a final transcript. On your application, you will submit your senior level classes, then your final transcript will indicate if you have completed these classes, including all of your requirements.

Did we miss something? When DS applied a couple of weeks ago we didn’t see a spot to place your senior classes in the application. I thought it was odd but he got an email confirmation with id number.

I could only see the current paper application, see here:

I don’t know what Sections are included on the online application.

My daughter does not remember any questions about senior year classes on the online
application, either.

I would think that your current HS transcript would include classes in progress (senior year classes). I don’t know why the paper and online applications would be different but it seems they are.

It’s kind of a good thing we didn’t list Senior classes. DS started school 3 weeks ago and there were 3 classes he was supposed to get that he didn’t. Calc AB/BC is one of them. They are no longer teaching Calc BC this year so he only has Calc AB. Sad since it is a STEM school with an Engineering Academy.

We didn’t see a “senior year class” section on the online app either; we did notice it was on the paper app so we were concerned at first too. But we will send in the transcript.

Don’t worry if you write down a senior class that ends up changing. Those things happen.

^^^ HS Seniors can change their classes, but make sure they finish all the required classes, that UA has on their list of requirements. You are required to fulfill those classes.