<p>I am not attending Experience Stony brook- where do i go to pick up my ID.</p>
<p>Also the meters for parking, do they take quarters only? and what is the maximum amount of time you can buy from the meter in one take? meaning could i meter park for like 2 hours while in class or would i need to add more quarters ?</p>
<p>You get your ID when you check in to the dorm, or go to some commuter orientation.</p>
<p>You’re commuting I guess, right? Why would you pay for a meter, when you can park at South P and just take a bus to main campus?</p>
<p>Orientation passed , it was in two parts, i did not go to the second part where they give you your id and other things. And i am not dorming.</p>
<p>i am expecting my second child and riding the bus naseates me quite badly… in addition to the cold weather i dont want to throw up all over campus.</p>