Where do you study?

<p>Where do you engineers study? Do anyone of you actually study at home? Do you study everyday after class/before class? What's your study ritual? </p>

<p>I find it rather distracting.</p>

<p>I study at home usually, though that means I get pretty distracted at times by the internet or TV or my girlfriend or a host of other things. During my undergrad, if I really needed to get studying done, the way to do it was by heading to the engineering library or mechanical engineering laboratory and working where I was less distracted, though I probably only did this 20% of the time. I start grad school in a month, so who knows what my habits will be there.</p>

<p>I study in either my room, or in mechanical engineering help room.</p>

<p>Usually in the library or someplace quiet. I get way too distracted studying at home. I also try to study the material on the same day as I had the class while the content is fresh.</p>

<p>My grades improved a lot [3.55 –> 3.9/4.0] when I started to study not in the dorm, NOT in a uber social place. Basically once I got out of places where I would study less and socialize more :)</p>

<p>I like to study in group better so I’m usually in the electrical engineering common room. If not, I sometimes study in the student government’s office (I’m an officer, so I’m one of ten people who actually have a key to access said office).</p>

<p>If I’m studying alone, I sometimes study at my apartment, but I’d much rather study at school instead.</p>

<p>Depends on my mood. I generally start with one library, and if that doesn’t work out or I if I start to feel tired, I grab some coffee and head for another library or some secret study place that freshman would probably not know about. If it’s one of those weekends where my roommate is out and the floor is dead quiet I’ll study at home. I always start by tackling the the things that bothered me the most in class… things that didn’t make sense to me the first time. Generally spend all my time after classes until ~10pm roaming campus studying/eating. On some days, I simply cannot study. That’s when I take a break and do whatever I want :)</p>

<p>I studied in the mall at the food court.</p>

<p>It was bright and airy. Lots of white noise, never that deafening silence that made me feel boxed in at the library. I never felt claustrophobic. Nobody was using the higher-frequency brain waves, so there wasn’t as much interference. I would never run into anybody I knew (sad but true). If a random stranger walked up to me and said, “Hey, what’re you studying? Math?” and tried to hit on me, I’d say I was studying tensor calculus and they’d get weirded out and leave. If I got sick of studying, I’d pack it up and window shop. I could grab a salad or a smoothie if I got hungry. I could peoplewatch if I got annoyed with my problem set and needed a break. There was usually a plug where I could juice up my laptop, and sometimes there was WiFi.</p>

<p>Perfect, but unconventional.</p>



<p>That’s the best kind of silence ;)</p>

<p>I studied in a variety of places:

  • Starbucks on an early Sunday morning or a late weeknight
  • Civil engineering lounge during the day, often working in groups
  • The park (my school being an urban campus didn’t have a quad) on a warm sunny day for readings
  • Laundromat for easy problem sets on an early Saturday morning (while doing laundry of course)</p>

<p>I almost never studied in a library. They were too quiet for me, and whenever that happens, my mind tends to wander (weird, isn’t it). My concentration seems to be better in a busy environment. I usually don’t study at home, unless it’s working on a project that requires me to use my computer.</p>

<p>Mostly in my dorm room. Sometimes in the attic of my dorm - it was set aside as a study hall. Sometimes in the engineering library with my friends.</p>

<p>Library - basement floor.
It’s kind of like casino in that there is no window and no clock, so you lose sense of time as you work.
But that’s where I can study and do homework best.
I can never study in my room.
Too much distraction.</p>