<p>hahathat'sfunny- That's how I got my AC dorm room! There is some type of form your doctor has to fill out that you have to request.
Hinton James is considered the worst dorm on campus, but I will say that is far from the truth. I've seen rooms in Ehaus and Craige and say those rooms are farrrr worst and just looks downright OLD. I actually like my room in HoJo and think (besides the mess that my roommate and I have accumulated) it's pretty nice!</p>
<p>I agree with annn. My brother was in HJ his first year and it had kind of a neat feeling to it. If I were to pick between the three I'd want that one. Plus it's so legendary.</p>
<p>So from what I'm seeing here Freshmen should live on South Campus but they should also not live in suite style dorms. Are there even any hall style dorms on South?</p>
<p>annn your post cracked me up...as always. yes, we did go dorm shopping. haha</p>
<p>i got "lucky" and wound up in horton freshman year...its big, air-conditioned, new, and nice...and awfully quiet. :-\ i personally dont like it, but it was worth it when considering my alternative was no a/c. basically the best thing to get is what annn got: HJ with a/c. </p>
<p>im gonna go with morrison next year as a soph...the big dorms are so much fun and morrison has a/c...yay!</p>
<p>North Campus, man! North Campus! Don't worry about there not being first years up in the nawf, either. There are tons of us and in the beginning they have a lot of north campus freshmen things to get everyone together. It's also very convenient to Franklin, Carrboro, and classes. You don't realize how nice that is until you're here and it starts getting cold. I've also noticed that the RAs are more relaxed on north campus, and I think it's because their expectations are geared towards upper classmen. There's less babysitting going on. Maybe not something I'd brag about on a forum that parents frequent, but, hey, it is objective and useful information?</p>
<p>On that note, UNC is a dry campus!</p>
<p>hahahahaha.. dry campus</p>
<p>cloying, you've definitely swayed me. I'm thinking a nice hall style dorm on North Campus now. </p>
<p>It's such a tough decision!</p>
<p>Well I'll probably change my mind a million times between now and when I send in my housing app but I'm liking connor community right now. On the housing site it says whitehead is in the community.. but its completely isolated and on the other side of all the other north dorms. I'm worried that I would get stuck there :| Can you be more specific than the community on the form?</p>
<p>I think that you can end up happy no matter where you end up living on campus. :) I always thought that I would die if I had to live on south campus and I applied for theme housing just so I wouldn't have to, but this winter I moved into one of the on-campus apartments at Odum Village (a.k.a. the end of the world) and I absolutely love it! There's definitely something nice about riding the bus about from south campus that you don't get when you live in mid or north campus. The bus is your friend, always :) I can't believe people who don't know how to use it. </p>
<p>And remember guys, freshmen v. rarely get what they want out of housing unless they request unpopular places. xD</p>
<p>This thread has been very helpful, especially since I didn't get to see dorms on either of my tours. How much of an edge does knowing who you want to room with give you in the housing process? I read that they give you a preference but does anyone have better information? Thanks for all the advice.</p>
<p>Actually I learned that first years <em>do</em> get something they've listed. I think of the 75% of firstyears on south campus, 80% of them requested the community that they're in. Granted, this may have been their third preference, but at least you can be sure that very rarely will you get a community you're totally uninterested in, and there are like fourteen communities or something around there, so you do have some choice here. I bet if you put all north and midcampus communities you'd get on north campus. But I could be wrong.</p>
<p>When it gets down to it, I'd just start emailing housing talking about how much you love the north campus feel and see what happens. I feel like that helped me get into Kenan specifically as a dorm. That's just guessing, though, maybe they would have put me there anyway.</p>
<p>I'm getting so mixed up on housing! Different people say different things and it's hard to tell what would be best for me. On the forum on the admitted students website, one person strongly encourages freshmen, especially OOS freshmen, to live on South Campus for the socializing. Decisions, decisions. I just won't anticipate getting my top choice.</p>
<p>Oh, by the way, is there WiFi in the dorms? I noticed that Morrison has like an internet lounge, so I take it that rooms don't have wireless..</p>
<p>They're all supposed to have wireless. My room seems to be the magical hey we don't have wireless in here so bring your cord room in Kenan. Honestly, it's not that big of a deal if they don't have wifi because you'll have your ethernet cord and every room has two jacks that are obviously pretty close by. Except for a few choice dorm rooms, you'll find that pretty much all of campus is good for wireless, which is awesome.</p>
<p>Some universities recommend that an accepted student pay a housing deposit and list their preferences immediately, so that one can still have a good chance at getting a preferred dorm assignment. They say this should be done even before the student decides to confirm enrollment, typically in the spring. Does UNC-CH do this? What is the p[rocess/timetable for housing?</p>
<p>calgar- Actually, you don't have to worry about whitehead since the Carolina Inn bought the land and is going to knock it down to build suites. BUT whitehead is actually awesome- the rooms are huge (Getouttabuffalo can attest for this also!) and good for.. certain activities ;)</p>
<p>Honestly, I think suite style is a lot more social than hall style (North/Mid Campus) just because of the south campus atmosphere. Suite doors and room dorms are almost ALWAYS open and ready for you to mingle/hang out with friends. And there are always people just hanging out outside by the balconies... And plus, nothing beats all the kids in the big South Campus dorms (Ehaus, HoJo, Craige) running outside to yell "TARRHEEELSS" after we win a basketball game :) It's a lot of fun, and (at least I've heard) come March it's absolutely crazy with basketball season in full swing since it's right by the dean dome.</p>
<p>And totally agree with cloying- not having WiFi in your room really isn't a big deal at all because of the ethernet. If you have a room close to the study lounge, then you probably will have WiFi (I do).</p>
<p>As an OOS student on South Campus, I'd recommend it. I guess it's technically harder to meet people at the very beginning as an OOSer, but South Campus is hands down incredibly friendly and open and fun. It was very easy to meet awesome people there.</p>
<p>does anyone know if morrison super suites cost extra? i know there's a fat chance of me getting one as a freshmen, but it would be coool.</p>
<p>You can only get a super suite if you're rooming with a non-first year. They literally will not give one super suite to first year students rooming together.</p>
<p>I've dug around in the forums a bit but I was hoping for a succinct answer. How frequent is it that freshmen get their first choice for dorms? I know it depends on the dorm but say for one of the directionals, are the odds any good?</p>
<p>Do you have a better chance to get your choice the earlier you send in your housing app?</p>