where do you want to live?

<p>I remember hearing that last year. You could contact them and ask - tell them your first choice and ask if applying early for housing will help you. I remember I sent the forms in pretty early but then changed some stuff around. I was going back and forth between living in Morrison in their Environmental thing, Cobb, and Kenan. Weirdly they never sent me the forms for the environmental sustainability program, so that never panned out, and then someone official told me that if I sent in a form that said I wanted an honors roommate that I'd definitely be in Cobb. But still I listed Kenan as my first choice, thinking that I would still by default go to Cobb. Then I got Kenan. I'm happier here than I would be anywhere else, but what I learned is that what they tell you through housing isn't always reliable. They're really friendly, but every official person has different objective information.</p>

<p>Approx. when should we receive the housing forms and such?</p>

<p>When can we start applying for housing? Should we really get on it soon in the next couple of weeks, or can we put it off for a while and still get rather good dorms, or our first choice?</p>

<p>My first choice is any all-girl housing... so either Parker, Aycock or Manley..(aren't those the three..?).</p>

<p>So on south campus, what has the nicest dorm rooms?</p>

<p>Morrison and the directionals I think.</p>

<p>what is a directional? Is Carmichael considered middle campus?</p>

<p>Anyone ever lived in the substance free dorms/floors? My D is considering UNC (she's a jr. now), and she likes the idea of north campus because it's quieter ... which she prefers, and she wants to find out about the substance free dorms/floors. </p>


<p>I'm loving this post, since Craig was the LAST dorm anyone wanted to live in through the 80's, so I chuckled when I saw it in a post. It was for the geekiest of the grad school geeks. No way would I have survived in a south campus dorm- they had the reputation of being party hardy, even then.</p>

<p>I lived in Granville South and LOVED it. I'm surprised that the Granvilles haven't come up. Advantages: proximity to Franklin Street, A/c, the pool, parking. Disadvantages: Cost. At the time, I spent most of my time in Carroll Hall, so it was also TOTALLY convenient.</p>

<p>Anyway, thanks for the memories. :)</p>

<p>cscarolina, yes, Carmichael is considered middle campus.</p>

<p>Directionals are the newer addons on south campus, horton, hardin, ehaus south, craige north. A/C and new but hard to get into.</p>

<p>thanks, is it typically sophomores who get morrison, hardin, craige north all those with a/c?</p>

<p>cscarolina, yes, I believe you have to get lucky as a freshmen to land in a place like Morrison. I didn't know that about Ehaus South & the other directionals, but that would make sense. I've been thinking about this nonstop and I still have noo idea where I want to live.</p>

<p>You will 99% be guaranteed a room with AC if you have a Dr. note. Make sure it is a letter on letterhead and not on a prescription pad. They didn't accept one on a prescription pad. Also make sure when you sign up you specify that you have a special need.</p>

<p>that seems so lame but I just might do it.lol. I mean come on, a special need? Just so I can get AC?</p>

<p>If you have a medical condition like asthma and need to be in AC then you get a Dr's note. Don't get a note just because you want AC</p>

<p>If you have a medical reason to need AC, will this affect your request to room with someone who has no such medical reason? As in, do they try to keep those with medical issues requiring AC together?</p>

<p>I'm a freshman living in Ehringhaus and I love it. Next year I'm graduating to North Campus, as most people do sophomore year, but I definitely wouldn't trade my experience on South for anything.</p>

<p>South Campus pros and cons:
+ tons of first-year students who also don't know many people yet creates a warm atmosphere
+ suite-style living is really nice--you only share a bathroom with between 3-7 other people and you can get really close with your suitemates (all 8 of us are REALLY tight)
+ getting to and from Franklin is easy at night with several P2P stops all along Manning and Ridge Road
+ extremely close proximity to the Dean Dome! :)
+ the brand-new SASB South building is a fantastic place to study!
- longish walk to classes/libraries (about 10 minutes, depending on your pace), but there are buses to take if you're too lazy (or ambitious enough to research the schedule, on the other hand)
- old buildings and furnishings (aside from the super nice newly renovated Morrison & the directional dorms like Ehaus South, Horton, Craige North, etc.)..although I think they have character
- risk of not getting AC (I lucked out in Ehringhaus with air conditioning, but I think it might be because the roomie played the allergy card..)</p>

<p>On a side note, I don't really recommend applying for housing in Granville unless you're planning to pledge a sorority or fraternity. It has a nice location, but there definitely is a certain "type" of population, and your Granville meal plan will prevent you from ever eating with your on-campus friends in the dining halls, which kind of sucks socially. Also, the pool is constantly covered by the shadows of the building except during the earlier morning haha.</p>

<p>oh, and to Dabu: I don't think your roommate's perfect health will affect your assignment if you have a doctor's note--my roommate had one and we got a room with AC in Ehaus.</p>

<p>Where do most of the Juniors and seniors room? Or do most opt for off-campus housing?</p>