Where should I apply?

<p>I am interested in attending a school with a good economics program like U of Michigan. However, I am not sure of my chances and was wondering if anyone could suggest some other schools I might have a shot at. I am currently a rising senior at a mediocre public school (We rarely send anyone to an Ivy League school) Also I am Indian, which could hurt or help me. Here is a basic list of my stats.</p>

<p>SAT I
-Math 700, CR 620, Writing 640
-Math 620, USHist 650
- 4.34 weighted, 3.7 unweighted
- By graduation Will have taken 6 APs, 13 Honors and Advanced Courses (very rigorous for my school)
- 4.0 GPA for 3 courses at Univ of Pitt. (statistics,computer science, calculus)
- Ranked 13 out of 491
Community Service
- 300+ hours at local hospital
- elected Junior and Senior class president at a school that is 97% caucasion
- 3 years playing football (Being recruited by a few schools like Wash. U)
- 1 yr Tennis
- 3 yrs as a non voteing member of the school board
- Future Business Leaders of America
- National Honor Roll, National society of high school scholars, Who's Who</p>

<p>Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Anybody at all?</p>

<p>can anyone help me out, please?</p>

<p>American Indian? If so, URM status will help you a lot. Otherwise, probably no Ivy League, but a good shot at the others. Recruited athletes get a huge break as well.</p>

<p>thanks bandit_TX. I am from India (ASIA). does anybody know anything about good economic programs i could get into?</p>

<p>How about Rice?</p>

<p>thanks...that's in texas right?</p>


<p>your stats are really low for Mich.... but apply anyway.</p>

<p>rice is in texas.</p>



<p>Anybody else got any thoughts? I honestly do not know which schools have a good economics school for my stats. Nobody has a rateing system for economics, so its hard to tell. I woud greatly appreciate any ideas.</p>

<p>U of Chicago has a really great econ program, although that might be a little bit of a reach.</p>