Where the heck do you put your hands when you're standing?

<p>I’ve never thought about this before. I usually hook my thumbs in my pockets. Some of this stuff would be great in Awkward Interactions.</p>

<p>1 hand holding mobile, the other 1 doing absurb gestures.
I’m rather active in nonverbal communication.</p>

<p>this is the exact reason why i decided to cut off my arms.</p>

<p>cutting off the second arm was a bit hard though</p>

<p>In my pockets or hanging on my backpack straps</p>

<p>cowboy stance ftw.</p>



<p>Same. Or I keep them on my hips. If I’m impatient, I’ll start drumming on my thighs, lol.</p>

<p>I’m simulating life in a straight jacket. Stay away, man. Stay away.</p>

<p>I try to keep my cell phone in my hand to make myself look less awkward, especially if i’m around a lot of people :/</p>

<p>I think having your arms crossed makes you look unconfident & insecure…idk why.</p>

<p>i either have my phone in my hand or i cross one arm against my body. i don’t know why i do the latter all the time, but i do.</p>

<p>I do the move my hands around while talking (I move my hands too much). Fiddle my thumbs/emphasize that I’m listening when I’m not talking. The…darn, I was going to ASCII art my look, but I can’t.</p>

<p>^^ I cross my hand too…i was going to say that…but i didn’t know how to describe it :P</p>



<p>Because of this Alanis reference, I love you.</p>

<p>I find it helpful to constantly carry around an acoustic guitar. The advantages in daily life are virtually infinite: life becomes a musical, you always know what to do with your hands, you get all dem womenzzz, awkward moments can be instantly mediated by breaking into song… the list goes on and on.</p>

<p>In order to look dominant keep your hands at your side but occasionally gesture with your hands. When gesturing make sure you keep your hands low but don’t over do it. </p>

<p>Also since we are talking about standing when you stand spread your feet a bit farther than you normally due and put all of your weight on one foot, turn your other foot perpendicular to the one that has all the weight on (making an L shape) Practice standing and you will begin to feel more dominant. </p>

<p>Haha I may be overdoing it but you asked.</p>

<p>While I do think that you’re being overly analytical, sometimes I wonder this when I’m over-aware of my appendages too. xP When I do become aware of my arms, I usually cross them, which is really bad. I would do what the above poster recommends.</p>



<p>Hmm, sounds nice. Maybe it’ll work as a placebo effect with girls. Thanks… it’s about time I get laid</p>



<p>Yeah I tried to make this a semi-joke thread by being super serious… but I do ponder this sometimes. Along with eye contact.</p>

<p>I don’t ever really notice, but I usually cross my arms or put my hands on my hips. Putting my arms down at my sides feels awkward and makes me slouch a lot.</p>

<p>^^haha. I got the “eye contact/pay attention” award in math class today for being the person who always looks you in the eye during conversations.</p>

<p>Ironic thing is, I always find these situations awkward. But I also feel that it’s not polite to not make eye contact so I force myself to look at them in the eye.</p>

<p>I try to avoid conversations that are practically staring contests though. My old chem teacher used to do these with me and I lost every time.</p>

<p>Down my pants, thats where they naturally gravitate to</p>



<p>Everyone cowers under my piercing gaze.</p>

<p>Pockets or on my backpack things. Then I think to myself “wow pockets make me seem shy (which is what I’m fighting)”, so I take them out. Inevitably they end up in my pockets in the end.</p>