<p>^ Hands casually in the pockets is bro.</p>
<p>All the way in, half in, or thumbs out? lool</p>
<p>This is a very serious question. I usually either put my hands in my pockets or gesture awkwardly.</p>
<p>One hand in my mouth, the other between my knees.</p>
<p>Seriously? Doubt that.</p>
<p>I make hand gestures during conversation. I have this freaky aversion to keeping my hands idle, which becomes problematic when I’m walking because I tend to not move my arms. I try to always carry something.</p>
<p>I am constantly doing something…</p>
<p>hands are usually:
-on my hips
-stroking the nearest guy’s hair
-stroking my bangs out of my face
-behind my back</p>
<p>Yea, I hate those conversations when you have to stare at each other…</p>
<p>if you cross your arms you look too defensive.</p>
<p>So is there no consensus? I need to take some kind of social etiquette class lol</p>
<p>Just don’t think about it or you’re going to look mega awkward.</p>
<p>captain morgan stance. it’s appropriate for every occasion.</p>
<p>quote first time quoteing? /quote</p>
<p>^i noparsed it, but if you type it like that it’ll show up as a quote</p>
<p>I’m part Italian, so hand gestures are my main thing.</p>
<p>I typically cross my arms or put my hands in my pockets.</p>
<p>At school: I’m one of those textbook-carrying people who almost never go to their lockers (and when I do it’s to trade books, not deposit), so I don’t deal with this problem. I also usually carry a book even if I don’t have a textbook with me.
If I’m not carrying any book: Cross arms, no one cares if I look aggressive (then again, maybe they do…hmm, should I cross my arms and try to look extra perky or would that be even creepier?)
Outside of school: Usually don’t notice, probably cross arms or just have them at my side.
I remember back in P.E. I used to inspect my nails a lot, like I was picking dirt out of them or something. I probably came off as conceited/bored/gross but bleh.</p>
<p>Sometimes I just have one arm hold the elbow of another and let the second arm stay at my side, so I don’t look as closed off. If I notice this, however, I immediately start crossing my arms.</p>
<p>I’m not a fan of putting hands into pockets at all, even though I almost always wear jeans.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure on the whole social spectrum hands aren’t as big a deal as you’re making them, there’s actually speaking and eye contact, posture, a just ton of things more important than hands.</p>
<p>I’ve never noticed what I do with my hands, I think if I’m flirting I tend to cross them, I don’t know why but a friend took a pick of me with a guy and I noticed that. I’m not sure what I do but I don’t think it’s noticeable .</p>
<p>awesome thread is awesome.</p>
<p>Why do most nerds have social problems?</p>
<p>^Because they’re nerds, and that’s what nerds do.</p>