Does anyone know where I could get definitive answers/info on FAFSA/CSS Profile/ISFAA? I guess I could contact collegeboard for help. I have been asked to help some family friends from Korean filling out CSS Profile. Since they are international students and the form is designed around American students, it is very hard to help them with the form. I heard that a Korean educational consulting company specialized in american schools charges more than $1,000 for help on filling out CSS profile. As CSS Profile was designed around American students, international students have hard time filling out FAFSA/CSS Profile. Thanks in Advance.
Non-US citizens don’t fill out FAFSA.
@Madison85 Actually some colleges require international (Non-US citizens) students to fill out FAFSA for scholarship purpose. I have seen several cases.
There are a tiny, very tiny number of schools that have international students complete a fafas. Chicago used to be one.
All that aside…what are your questions? I’m guessing someone can answer them here.
@happymomof1 any suggestions where this person could get help?
I was just wondering if there is any site or FAQ I could use to figure out what these questions in CSS Profile “actually” mean or how to “interpret” in “international” settings. Why? Like I said, I get many questions on CSS Profile from family friends.
Families in South Korea should start by contacting the closest office of EducationUSA. There are several in South Korea:
EducationUSA is a not-for-profit organization that is funded by the US government to provide unbiased accurate information about educational opportunities here. If any fees are charged, they will be minimal, and will go directly toward the operation of that office. I expect that they get lots of questions about the various financial aid application forms every single year.
It also is OK to contact the international admissions and financial aid offices at the places that the students will be applying to, and ask about completing the forms.