<p>Niece (age 21) is arriving on Thurs. w/ her 2 best friends. I've gotten them show tickets, etc., but I'm certain they will ask me to recommend a club-like venue. </p>
<p>My girls, however, are too young for such nights on the town, so I have nol or in-house resources to draw upon. Any suggestions?</p>
<p>a cool non-club like place to hang out is think coffee on mercer street and...green...i think. i can't remember well. it'd be more likely a place they would want to hang out during the day, though. even though I enjoy it all times of day.</p>
<p>They obviously don't want to spend time in some hippie coffee shop. This isn't Amsterdam. That being said: </p>
<p>Shades of Green, Proof, a bunch of places on McDougle Street near NYU, Down The Hatch, Webster Hall, Capote, Proof, The Room, Colors, NoIdea. Plumm (my recommendation) Really, there are hundreds of places, just google. There is actually a row of nightclubs on 14th street and 7th. That's where Plumm is and a bunch of similar places. I highly recommend going there seeing as they are over 21 and girls. They will likely get in for free and someone is bound to buy them a drink.</p>
<p>right, because all those people protesting the vietnam war and inspiring musicals about free love WERE from amsterdam. the world makes so much more sense now. obviously. that being said:</p>
<p>"My girls, however, are too young for such nights on the town..." well, don't worry. having strange men buy you drinks is a right of passage in the city. last2acntsbanned knows all about that, dontcha ;)</p>
<p>if you took the time to read what the OP was saying you would see that he needs advice FOR his niece, who is 21 and can take care of herself. The OP said that he cannot personally disseminate information about clubs/bars in NYC because his own children are too young to have experienced the club scene. Therefore he has no personal knowledge. And no, the people protesting the Vietman war were American college students and American hippies. There was no historic exodus of citizens of Holland to American college campuses/cities to protest the war. And who said anything about 'strange' men buying drinks. everyone is a 'stranger' to everyone else, that is, until you get to know them.
Let me know if i can assist you with understanding anything else that's being said.</p>
<p>Good luck getting into Plumm. My friend works for the promotion company (Bloc Group or something) at Plumm, and they wanted us to buy a $600 table to get in at 230am. Generally we get in for free everywhere, or at worst pay a heavily discounted cover. .</p>
<p>Just have 2:1 (good looking) girl ratio if you are a guy. Although I didn't mention it, don't tell your nieces to try these places unless they are attractive and wearing skimpy dresses. Not only do I not want to see ugly girls at these places, they will be forced to pay.</p>
<p>It's not unsafe to let girls out. Most girls I hang out with at NYU go to clubs all the time. What's important is that they don't go out alone. Its much better for girls to be all together. Which is almost always the case anyway so I don't see anything to worry about.</p>