Which AP's to take?

<p>I was wondering if any current students on which AP's are the most worthwhile for Penn, as far as requirements or weed-out classes. I've taken APUSH and Eng Writing and Comp, and will take Lit, Chem, Calc BC, Micro and Macro this year (and maybe Gov even though Penn doesn't give credit for it). Any others worth self-studying for? Any sectors that are difficult to fulfill and worth getting out of the way via AP credits?</p>

<p>I'm accepted in CAS, and attempting to pursue a dual degree with Wharton (hopefully).</p>

<p>Definitely take Calc BC, Micro, and Macro. You can get credit for Math 104 (a big weed out class) and waivers for econ. Chem and Lit are just elective credits, so you may not want to take those. I wouldn’t self study any because APs do not fulfill any of the college sectors or foundational approaches (accept for the language requirement). If you have been taking a language though you should definitely try to take the subject test. If you get a 650 or higher you can place out of the language requirement.</p>

<p>so is it worth it to take any of the AP English AP’s, or Chem??</p>

<p>Not really if you are not planning to graduate early. For the college, those AP credits just become free electives. Also, if you need chemistry for your major and you take intro chem, you lose the AP credit. If you want to place out of intro chem, you need to take a departmental exam for each semester (which is similar to a final from the course, not so much the AP exam). The only thing AP chem credit might be able to do is help you get a lab waiver if you pass the departmental exam.</p>

<p>As of now I’m debating a major in the humanities or social sciences. So I find Chem to be worth it to get a science out of the way. And no matter what I’m taking Lit and have already taken Comp, but are they really not worth anything?</p>

<p>And is it worth it to take the SAT II now? Can’t I just take Penn’s own language test to place out?</p>