Which classes should i sign up for?

<p>This summer i want to begin on my courses to become a pediatric nurse practitioner but i know know which classes to take. I am a graduating highschool senior planning to go to a community college, then transferring after two years.</p>

<p>You’re going to need an RN and a BSN before you can start your practioner classes. Why not contact your community college and ask which pre-requ for nursing you should start with. Because of the accelerated nature of summer classes, I’m going to guess the advisor suggests a behavioral science or writing over the hard sciences. </p>

<p>Some community colleges offer RN classes. There often is competition for the entry spots. </p>

<p>As ordinary noted, if you intend to transfer, look at the pre-regs of several different colleges where you might want to eventually attend. Take some of the less demanding courses first until you get adjusted to a college workload.</p>

<p>You would probably be looking for a program that mainly serves students who enter nursing after 2 years of college. There are other nursing programs that mainly serve students entering from high school, and some of those take few or no transfers.</p>

<p>Are you looking for an online class or in a classroom? I suggest an intro psychology class as a good start for the summer. Save your hard science classes for a regular semester.</p>